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Later, she rode them at a walk up and down the reservation road. She had learned the First Reader of the saddle on the St. Bernard's wide, slipping back. The pinto had been the Second, and she had then passed rapidly to the graduation class of frisky calves and lean, darting shoats.

"Bah," said Shorty, contemptuously; "no alligator-gar is goin' to come up into this mud-freshet. He'd ruther hunt dogs and nigger-babies further down the river. Likes 'em better. He ain't goin' to gnaw at them old Wabash sycamore legs o' yourn when he kin git a bite at them fat shoats we saw sailin' down stream awhile ago."

"Count upon me to do whatever I can to make it a happy day," said Ruth. The pigs had been fattening through the winter, and it was quite time to send them to market. "You did so well with the cheese, you may see what you can do with the shoats," said Mr. Walden to Robert. "It is good sleighing. You can harness the colt and Jenny, and go with the pung. I want you to take Rachel along.

"But I s'pose if you wanted water, you'd squeal?" suggested Janice. "Huh! smart, ain't ye?" growled Marty. "I'd go down ter Dickerson's an' git a drink. So'll them shoats if Dad don't mend that pen pretty soon." It was no use to suggest that Marty might make the needed repairs; so Janice made no further comment. The trail of shiftlessness was over everything.

By 480 bushels of potatoes at 30 cents per bushel 144.00 By five old sows, not fat 35.00 One cow 15.00 Three cows 70.00 Two cows 35.00 Three cows, two heifers, nine calves 187.00 Forty-three shoats and gilts, average 162 lb., at 2 cents per lb 139.00 Total $953.00 The young hogs had eaten most of my small potatoes and some of my corn before we parted with them in late November.

So she and I talked of ash-hoppers, smoke-houses, cotton-patches, goobers, poke-greens, and shoats, until she fell asleep. Soon day was abroad, and so we went outdoors for a fresh breath. The other woman came out just then to ask after Molly. She invited us into her cabin, and, oh, the little Mormons were everywhere; poor, half-clad little things!

"Well, it is," John replied uneasily, "but I've got to raise the interest before I can get that bunch of shoats ready to sell, and I've got to do it that way." He did not look at either of the two women, but kept himself very busy about the rod and sucker he was manipulating. Mrs. Hunter seldom remarked upon anything that was done about the farm, but this was surprising news.

That's why I'd like to have it. "'I'd shore like to accommodate you, says he, 'but I've got the artistic tenement, too. I don't see why it ain't art when you can steal a shoat better than anybody else can. Shoats is a kind of inspiration and genius with me. Specially this one. I wouldn't take two hundred and fifty for that animal. "'Now, listen, says I, wiping off my forehead.

Goodrich; you'll find the girl out there somewhere. Dinner will be ready in about an hour." Leisurely crossing the road, Adam paused at the orchard gate, to watch some fine young shoats that were running about with their mother nearby. From the pigs, his gaze wandered about the farm buildings, the fields, and the garden.

At length Willy rose and pushed his way rapidly through the bushes toward the animals. There was a sudden "oof, oof," and Frank heard them rushing back down through the woods toward the marsh. "Somebody's hogs," he muttered, in disgust. "Frank! Frank!" called Willy, in a most excited tone. "What?" "It's the old spotted sow, and she's got a lot of pigs with her great big shoats, nearly grown!"