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Then from his shirt-bosom he unscrewed a miniature locomotive headlight, which he deposited beside the ring. "See them stones, Abe?" he continued. "They costed it me one thousand three hundred dollars during the panic already, and to-day I wouldn't take two thousand for 'em.

He was rather carelessly but well and fashionably dressed, in a summer-morning costume. There was a gold chain, exquisitely wrought, across his vest. I never saw a smoother or whiter gloss than that upon his shirt-bosom, which had a pin in it, set with a gem that glimmered, in the leafy shadow where he stood, like a living tip of fire.

He was elegantly attired, his costume being of the finest cloth and of the very latest cut: boots patent leathers, and hat glossy as a mirror; diamonds gleamed and sparkled on his immaculate shirt-bosom, on his fingers and from the seal of a heavy gold chain across his vest front.

Russell Edmonds, somber and thoughtful, kept his seat. His leonine head drooped over his broad shirt-bosom. Said Mallory of The Ledger, bending over him: "Look at Ban, Pop!" "I'm looking," gloomed Edmonds. "What's behind that smile? Something frozen. What's the matter with him?" queried the observant Mallory. "Too much success."

The scene was disgusting in the extreme. Manuel arose, with his face cut in several places, his clothes bedaubed with filth from the floor, and his neck and shirt-bosom covered with blood; while the aghast features of Dunn, with his red, matted hair, and his glaring, vicious eyes, bespattered with the combined blood of his victim and his own nasal organ, gave him the most fiendish look imaginable.

Sandy took the package, shoved it into his shirt-bosom, and, wondering if his "Thank you" were sufficient payment for the gift, mounted his steed, rode slowly up the road to a spring that he had noticed bubbling out of the side of a ravine, and with a thankful heart, turning out the horse to graze, sat down to eat his frugal lunch, now graced with the dry but to him delicious raisins.

The room seemed to grow suddenly cold, and the faces of all the inmates became pale; they looked more squalid than ever the threadbare curtains, the rheumatic chairs, the soiled floor, sashes and wallpaper. Mr. Hugenot fumbled his shirt-bosom nervously, and his diamond pin, glaring like a lamp upon the worn garbs and faces of his compatriots, showed them still wanner and meaner by contrast.

Having rolled the little green ball several times between its jaws, to make sure there was no particle of nourishment left therein, the dragon-fly coolly dropped it into a crease in the shirt-bosom, and rustled away. It chanced that this particular and conspicuous individual of the little wolves of the air was a female.

He stood it up on a table in a position where a good light from the lamp fell upon it. It was the portrait of a young man with a fresh, healthy face, dressed in an old-style high-collared coat, with a wide cravat coming up under his chin, and a bit of ruffle sticking out from his shirt-bosom. My wife and I gazed at it with awe. "That," said old Mr.

"But what can a man do?" replied his wife; "he cannot go down town without a shirt-bosom." "I was in a bad case," replied Mr. James, "it may not happen again. I am anxious to have you try the month out faithfully, and then we will see what has come of it." The second day of trial was a stormy one. As the morning was dark, Bridget over-slept, and consequently breakfast was too late by an hour.