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Members of a house-party, at a municipal ball, invariably operate as a bar between greatness and democracy; and the Countess desired to participate in the life of the people. "Why don't some of those johnnies ask her?" Denry burst out. He had hitherto said nothing in the group, and he felt that he must be a man with the rest of them. "Well, you go and do it. It's a free country," said Shillitoe.

And what would Clara have said, had she been at home? Then Shillitoe in person came forward from the cutting-out room and Shillitoe's tone and demeanour reassured him. Accident that is to say, a chance somewhat more fortuitous than the common hazards which we group together and call existence pushed Edwin into the next stage of his career.

The trick of speech had been enormously effective with Shillitoe, for instance, and with the Countess. He was in process of acquiring renown for it. Certainly it was effective now. Mr Duncalf's dance with the Countess had come to an ignominious conclusion in the middle, Mr Duncalf preferring to dance on skirts rather than on the floor, and the fact was notorious.

Shillitoe, who knew that Denry only earned eighteen shillings a week, replied with only superficial politeness that a dress-suit was out of the question; he had already taken more orders than he could execute without killing himself. The whole town had uprisen as one man and demanded a dress-suit.

Here, from the appearance of the bleach-grounds, I could fancy myself in Barnsley. But, as Sarah Grubb says, I can have no pleasure in fine prospects; my mind in these journeys is always too much exercised with matters of a more serious nature. In the latter part of the month John Yeardley went again to Minden, to unite with Thomas Shillitoe in a visit to the families of Friends.

He was not a native of the town, and had no alderman to protect his legitimate interests. To cut a shameful story short, in a week Denry was being tried on. Shillitoe allowed him two years' credit. The prospect of the ball gave an immense impetus to the study of the art of dancing in Bursley, and so put quite a nice sum of money info the pocket of Miss Earp, a young mistress in that art.

"So you're going to the ball, are you?" said Shillitoe, trying to condescend, but, in fact, slightly impressed. "Yes," said Denry; "are you?" Shillitoe started and then shook his head. "No time for balls," said he. "I can get you an invitation, if you like," said Denry, glancing at the door precisely as he had glanced at the door before adding 2 to 7. "Oh!" Shillitoe cocked his ears.

To mention only Carey's contemporaries, the career of these men ran parallel at home with his abroad Thomas Shillitoe, who stood before magistrates, bishops, and such sovereigns as George III. and IV. and the Czar Alexander I. in the interests of social reform; and John Pounds, the picture of whom as the founder of ragged schools led Thomas Guthrie, when he stumbled on it in an inn in Anstruther, to do the same Christlike work in Scotland.

Thomas and John went into Barnsley, where they applied themselves to the linen manufacture, and were taken into the warehouse of Thomas Dixon Walton, a Friend, who afterwards married a daughter of Thomas Shillitoe. In the First Month, 1806, Joseph Wood records another interesting interview with his young friend: 1 mo. 7.

"And I suppose you thought I'd also forgotten to put down that tailor chap, Shillitoe?" So it was all out! Shillitoe must have been chattering. Denry remembered that the classic established tailor of the town, Hatterton, whose trade Shillitoe was getting, was a particular friend of Mr Duncalf's. He saw the whole thing. "Well?" persisted Mr Duncalf, after a judicious silence from Denry.