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Tommy, then attached, took refuge in the cellar. According to his own account, when he woke up in the morning he was floating. The house had some corners taken off it and all the glass was shattered, but no one was hurt. When I returned to Bailleul, Divisional Headquarters were about to move. A puncture kept me at Bailleul after the others had gone on to Locre. Grimers stood by to help.

A marvelous fanatic a sort of reincarnation of the grimmest of the Covenanters by one daring act shattered the machine and made impossible any further coalition on the principle of "nothing doing."

It was the old rhyme he had been trying to recollect, and it now came, tossed uppermost in the mind-quake which had shattered his intellect, buried matters of moment, and flung to the surface long hidden events and words of his youth. "'Bucca's a churnin' the waves of the sea, Bucca's a darkenin' the sky wi' his frown, His voice is the roll o' the thunder.

I now stepped carefully out of bed, in order to avoid the glass, my feet being already in knit, wool slippers, with thick, warm soles and again looked out. There was no one to be seen. Sim had done his dastardly work, and gone indoors. Would this end it? My teeth shattered, and I felt cold.

The 24th, consequently, led by Colonel Brookes, rushed breathless and confused upon the enemy's batteries. Close to their position, it received a deadly shower of grape; and, while shattered by its fatal effects, was torn to pieces by a close fire poured in by the Bunno troops from behind a screen of jungle. The brigade was thrown into utter confusion.

There were not lacking men of prescience and courage who looked beyond the misfortunes of the hour, and who saw in the dominions still vested in the crown an opportunity to repair the shattered empire and restore it to a modified splendour. A general union of the colonies had been mooted before the Revolution. The idea naturally cropped up again as a means of consolidating what was left.

"A mountain of copper," he said, looking upward. "The whole butte is nothing but ore. Some rich, some low-grade, but shattered that's the idea! You can scoop it up with a steam shovel." He whistled through his teeth, cocking his eye up at the mountain and then looking down at the townsite. "You bet a big camp!" And then to Jepson: "That's fine, Mr. Jepson; you're doing noble.

All about him were men like himself leading this gambler's life of feverish excitement and evanescent achievement, earning comfortable incomes and saving nothing, looking forward to the inevitable time of failing freshness and shattered nerves and declining income.

In Iceland, in Spitsbergen, in Kamchatka, and in other frigid lands large areas are thickly strewn with sharp-edged fragments into which the rock has been shattered by frost. We must reckon the roots of plants and trees among the agents which break rocks into pieces.

As he looked the face of the clock was violently shattered, and so, but on a lower level, was a pane of glass in the window immediately opposite. Abe Lichtenstein fell face down upon his unfinished manuscript. Then he began to speak in a quiet voice. "Never touched me. Bubbles. Pull that cord at the right of the window. That will close the curtains. Careful not to show yourself.