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He questioned her in an undertone, looking at Mannering "A shark alongside; eh?" The fellow's cloudy visage cleared up. "The top of the morning to you, sir; I find you are a visitor of my friend Mr. Bertram I beg pardon, but I took you for another sort of a person." Mannering replied, "And you, sir, I presume, are the master of that vessel in the bay?"

If he be indifferent about the fate of the shark, it is speedily dragged forward to the forecastle, amidst the kicks, thumps, and execrations of the conquerors, who very soon terminate his miserable career by stabbing him with their knives, boarding-pikes, and tomahawks, like so many wild Indians.

All was ready; I launched my raft, and was loading it with my property, when my eye caught sight of a shoal of fish darting up through the passage, followed by a black, triangular fin, which I quickly recognised as that of a huge shark. I saw the horrid monster overtake and gobble up some of the fugitives, and then quietly come back, as it appeared, to swim sentry at the entrance of the lagoon.

I do not know exactly what sort of a notion sailors have of the bottom of the ocean, but I rather think they have an idea that it is a comfortable sort of a place, where people can spend their time pleasantly enough, if they can but once contrive to reach it without being caught by a shark or other marine monster.

The bigger powerboat pulled away from the Duchess and the two parties ceased shouting back and forth. Mrs. Morse was trying to get a nap, so the girls did not sing. But they told jokes and stories, and of course Bobby gave one of her jingles: "'There was an old man of Nantasket Who went to sea in a basket: When up came a shark, Swallowed him and his bark Now, wasn't that a fine funeral casket?"

"Well, it wasn't ten seconds before I was aboard with four of my crew and it was no time before we had possession of that ship. Now you see the purpose of John Singleton in lowering the boat when he did. He had used it to slip around the stern of the Shark and to slip up on Bill Broome and his crew." "Great work," cried Jim, in admiration, "but what did you do with 'em when you had them caught?"

"I ray-y-ther think she'll wish to hold on to the old lady," observed the steward's-mate, a little emphatically. "You be d d," cried Spike, fiercely; "when your opinion is wanted, I'll ask for it. If I find you've been setting that young woman's mind ag'in me, I'll toss you overboard, as I would the offals of a shark."

You're a proper man, McTee, and a proper man has always the thought of some woman tucked away in his heart. Look at me! For almost sixty years I've been the King of the South Seas!" At the thought of his glories his face altered, as soldiers change when they receive the order to charge. "You're a rare man and a bold man, McTee, but you'll never be what White Henshaw has been the Shark of the Sea!

"Well, your lieutenant's truth is stranger, if it is truth, than anything I ever heard of," said Rupert, relapsing into flippancy. "Do you, on your soul, believe in all that about the shark and the camera?" "I believe Keith's words," answered the other. "He is an honest man." "I should like to question a regiment of his landladies," said Rupert cynically.

The albatross tumbled right down on the deck, a great cut in its throat. It bled like a dog shark, cluttering up the deck." "Horrid!" murmured Mrs. Conroth with a shudder of disgust. "Yes the poor critter!" agreed Cap'n Amazon. "I never like to see innocent, dumb brutes killed.