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You have nothing for them to steal; why throw yourself over the precipice, exposing yourself to certain death?" Miao Shan saw that he was weeping, and wept too. "I must comply with the wish of Heaven," she said. The Transformation of Shan Ts'ai Shan Ts'ai, inconsolable, prayed Heaven and earth to save his protectress.

"Prince Shan, for all his wonderful statesmanship and his grip upon world affairs, is reputed to be almost an anchorite in his daily life. No woman has ever yet been able to boast of having exercised the slightest influence over him. At the same time, he is an extraordinarily human person, and success with him would mean the end of your enemies."

Chao Chen tried to console him, saying, "Heaven has granted you three daughters: no human power can change this divine decree. When these princesses have grown up, we will choose three sons-in-law for your Majesty, and you can elect your successor from among them. Who will dare to dispute his right to the throne?" The King named the third daughter Miao Shan.

"I have come to see Shan Tung," said Keith. He had half expected to be refused, in which event he was prepared to use his prerogative as an officer of the law to gain his point. But Li King did not hesitate. He was almost eager. And Keith knew that Shan Tung was expecting him.

In front of it was a round ebony table, upon which stood a great yellow bowl filled with lilies. Prince Shan gave an order to one of the servants who had followed them into the room and threw himself at full length among the cushions, his head resting upon his hand, his face turned towards his guest. "They will bring you the aperitif of which you are so fond," he said, "also cigarettes.

On their arrival the King and Queen offered sacrifices to the god of the sacred mountain. But the God of Hua Shan knew that the King had been deprived of a male heir as a punishment for the bloody hecatombs during his three years' war. The priests, however, interceded for him, urging that the King had come in person to offer the sacrifices, wherefore the God could not altogether reject his prayer.

"But you and your friends searched the town from one end to the other, and you did not find her." "True, but for all that I am satisfied that you know where she is. Suppose we call it off, and that you tell me where she is." "If I knew, I would not tell you," said Shan Rhue, his voice intense with hatred. "What do you mean?

As I painted, G. and the servants packed orchids, box after box I must be at my packing too; leopards' skins, and Kachin and silver-mounted Shan dahs are my most interesting trophies.

"If we should chance to come together naturally," he said, "it would gratify me to make the acquaintance of Lady Maggie Trent." The introduction which Prince Shan had requested came about very naturally.

If it had not been," he went on slowly, "for the complete abolition of our secret service system, you would probably have been informed before now that Prince Shan has been having continual conferences in this country with one of the most dangerous men who ever set foot on these shores Oscar Immelan." "Immelan has no official position in this country," the Prime Minister objected.