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And as for our people and subiects of the English nation, in verie deed your maiesty shal find them made and fashioned so pliant to the perfourmance of all dueties of humanity, that it can neuer repent you to haue graunted them this franke traffic, nor shame vs to haue obteined it for them at your hands.

For by this meanes we perceiue, that the profit which by the mutual trade on both sides, al the princes our neighbors in the West do receiue, your Imperial maiestie and those that be subiect vnder your dominion, to their great ioy and benefit shal haue the same, which consisteth in the transporting outward of such things whereof we haue plenty, and in bringing in such things as we stand in need of.

And after they be past the West parts of Frisland, they shall get them into the latitude of and and not to the Northward of and being once entred within the Streites, al such ships shal euery watch shoote off a good piece, and looke out well for smoke and fire, which those that get in first shall make euery night, vntill all the fleete be come together.

They answer, the Lord's of the Moors, and that he goeth seek the son of the Widow Lady that is in the forest. "If we may deliver him up to our lord, good guerdon shal we have thereof." "By my faith," saith Perceval, "You have not far to seek. I am here!"

When the Prophet shall have spoken in the name of the Lord, that which shall not come to passe, that's the word which the Lord hath not spoken, but the Prophet has spoken it out of the pride of his own heart, fear him not." But a man may here again ask, When the Prophet hath foretold a thing, how shal we know whether it will come to passe or not?

The same way you came from death to life, returne without passion or amazement, from life to death: your death is but a peece of the worlds order, and but a parcell of the worlds life. Mortall men live by mutuall entercourse: And yeeld their life-torch, as men in a course. Shal I not change this goodly contexture of things for you?

Kum, and yu shal se whether I Love yu." Or this: "Yesterday, love, you made me wait for you: what will it be to-morrow?" Or this: "The women who love you, my dear sir, are very unhappy in hating you so, when you are not with them: take care, for the hatred which exists during your absence, may possibly encroach upon the hours you spend in their company."

Now as these mens experience hath proued some part of this passage: so the chapter following shal put you in full assurance of the rest, by their experiences which haue passed through euery part thereof. To prooue by circumstance that the Northwest passage hath bene sayled throughout. Chap. 4. Wherefore I haue added proofes of both sorts, that the one and the other might thereby be satisfied.

Kum, and yu shal se whether I Love yu." Or this: "Yesterday, love, you made me wait for you: what will it be to-morrow?" Or this: "The women who love you, my dear sir, are very unhappy in hating you so, when you are not with them: take care, for the hatred which exists during your absence, may possibly encroach upon the hours you spend in their company."

"He that well observes it, and hath known the welds of Sussex, Surry, and Kent', the grand nursery especially of oake and beech, shal find such an alteration, within lesse than 30 yeeres, as may well strike a feare, lest few yeeres more, as pestilent as the former, will leave fewe good trees standing in those welds.