United States or Iraq ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In our walks in the shaded dells of the mountains, she often told me of the United States, the habits and customs of the people how ambitions and aspirations were rewarded when accompanied by virtue and industry.

Five hundred of the citizens advanced to meet him; he was hailed with acclamations of loyalty and devotion; Mahomet was mounted on a she-camel, an umbrella shaded his head, and a turban was unfurled before him to supply the deficiency of a standard.

Except in the calendar, the action is ironical; but it is still deceptive. The sun mounts high: it is above the horizon twelve hours at a time. The snow gradually sneaks away in liquid repentance. One morning it is gone, except in shaded spots and close by the fences. From about the trunks of the trees it has long departed: the tree is a living thing, and its growth repels it.

But he nodded thoughtfully at the slowly fading strata of shaded colors splashed across the sky. "A man can get away with it for keeps . . . if he plays the game right. Jim Galloway isn't that man and so I'll get him. He has ignored the first necessary principle, which is the lone hand." "You mean he takes men into his confidence?"

I will ask you all to pass one by one in front of me here, where there is a good light so that I can see your feet." A buzz of excitement swept the place, and the march began, the guest looking on with an iron attempt at gravity which was not an unqualified success. Stillman stooped, shaded his eyes with his hand, and gazed down intently at each pair of feet as it passed.

A Scot, and used to the sea- coast, his eye felt at home as it ranged to the grand heights in the dim distance, with winter caps of snow, and shaded in the most gorgeous tints of colouring forests beneath, slopes covered with the exquisite green of young wheat.

Again Cameron's hand shaded his face from the fire while his eyes searched the old Chief's impassive countenance. "No," said Crowfoot. "Not for many days. Onawata bad man make much trouble." "The big war is going on good," said Cameron, abruptly changing the subject. "Huh?" inquired Crowfoot, looking up quickly. "Yes," said Cameron.

During all of this discussion about the ham, the tea and the bread, I was conscious that a pair of big brown eyes, darkly shaded with long lashes, were staring at me across the table. Whenever I had the courage to glance that way I observed that they had been looking at me intently, and were suddenly averted. These wondering eyes belonged to the only daughter in the family.

The burial ground lies about three miles from Bombay, across an extensive and beautiful plain, and the road to it is by a sort of avenue, lined and shaded on each side by cocoa-nut-trees, which spread their branches over the path, and distil their cooling juice into the cups which the Hindoos have placed around them to receive it.

James retired, and the lady examined the paper by the tempered light of the shaded candles surrounding what was left of the "voly vong." "Who ever heard of such a thing?" she cried. "Just listen here, Pierpont!" "In the name of the people of the State of New York "Dated 7th day of May, 1920. "PATRICK ROONY, Police Officer, "Police Precinct , "New York City. "Attest: JOHN J. JONES,