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She had moved forward a step or two, and thrown out her hand, while her eyes gleamed with an angry luster. Suddenly she controlled herself. "I sha'n' say no mo'," she went on slowly; "'cause I might forget myself an' be sassy, an' I don' wan' to do dat. But ol' mis' better not interfere with me, an' say mus', or I'll pack my trunk an' not come back till Mrs. Burnam comes home.

It was something quite different he had come for, and old Sophy answered very briefly for her aches and ails. "Old folks' bones a'n't like young folks'," she said. "It's the Lord's doin's, 'n' 't a'n't much matter. I sha'n' be long roan' this kitchen. It's the young Missis, Doctor, it 's our Elsie, it 's the baby, as we use' t' call her, don' you remember, Doctor?

I done specks he'll cry like everything, when he reads dat," she interpolated, with a nod of triumph. "Sometimes I reckon we sha'n' never see each other no mo'; but you mus' never forget your Janey. Um-mm," she went on, in an inarticulate mumble.

It was something quite different he had come for, and old Sophy answered very briefly for her aches and ails. "Old folks' bones a'n't like young folks'," she said. "It's the Lord's doin's, 'n' 't a'n't much matter. I sha'n' be long roan' this kitchen. It's the young Missis, Doctor, it 's our Elsie, it 's the baby, as we use' t' call her, don' you remember, Doctor?

As he went ever with a furtive eye upon the cabin he muttered to himself, shaking his head: "Say I sha'n' do hit. Say he don't want me a-ploughin' his co'n. My law! Whut you gwine do? Thar's them chillen thar's Huldy. They got to be fed they 'bleeged to have meat and bread. Ef I don't "