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He was the kind of a gent you see comin' out of them swell cafés, and he looked like a winner, Mr. Belmont Pepper did. His breakfast seemed to be settin' as well as his coat collar, and you could tell with one eye that he wouldn't come snoopin' around early in the day, nor hang around the shop after five. Pepper has his heels up on the rolltop, burnin' a real Havana.

"I sure wouldn't demean myself that way," she retorted. "Gee, me settin' hands on a feller like you. It would need a prize-fighter." The acknowledgment of his size and strength was a subtle tribute which pleased the man, as it was intended to. He preened himself and drew his knees up into his arms, in an attitude intended to be one of perfect ease and to show his confidence.

It gives the procession a chance to spread an' show up. You can't make no funeral imposin' except you're plumb liberal on distances. "It all goes smooth right off the reel. We gets a box an' grave ready, an' Peets sticks up a notice on the stage-station door, settin' the excitement for third-drink time next day.

Ye can't jes' run up to a house in a machine with his folks all settin' round cryin' an' cops askin' questions. Ye got to do some plannin' an' thinkin'. I'm goin' t' clean ut all up before daylight, an' ye needn't worry none about ut. Hop ain't worryin'; jes' leave ut t' Hop!" There was no alternative but to leave it to Hop, and they stood mute as he went out and softly closed the door.

And all the time she was talkin' to me like that, where do you reckon that Jedlick feller was at?" "In the saloon, I guess, firin' up." "No, he wasn't, Duke. He was settin' right in that ho-tel, with his old flat feet under the table, shovelin' in pie. He come out pickin' his teeth purty soon, standin' there by the door, dern him, like he owned the dump. Well, he may, for all I know.

The way on't wuz, Arvilly had met Miss Deacon Sypher at the gate and she bein' dretful onfaculized with no more tact than a settin' hen, had tackled Arvilly for a contribution to buy a flag to send to our boys in Cuba, and talked enthusiastic about the war's holy mission.

He's a feller who sort of lives in the twilight. You see, he sort of comes and goes; and no one knows a thing about him, except he haunts the forests like a shadow. Well, he's settin' the notion you feel into practice in a way. He's out for the boys. To help 'em, physically, spiritually, the whole time. They love him. We all love him to death. Well, ask him how far he gets.

The whole malheur, I say, comes from this damned note-smearing of yours! The idea of a man settin’ down and dabbing them pot-hooks on good white paper, day after day, year in and year out! What does it all mean? Tell me! While you’re doin’ it, everything else is movinglike a crab, backwards. Jesus, you’re a man, and yet you spend your time at that kind of stuff! I’d be ashamed to admit it.”

'Dear, oh dear, he says, 'I'd like a pull at th' clay, he says. 'Whin Easter comes, plaze Gawd, I'll smoke mesilf black an' blue in th' face, he says. "That was th' beginnin' iv th' downfall. Choosdah he was settin' in front iv th' fire with a pipe in his mouth. 'Why, Terrence, says me mother, 'ye're smokin' again. 'I'm not, says he: ''tis a dhry smoke, he says; ''tisn't lighted, he says.

When the laughter had subsided he struck in again, with the art of an accomplished tease, and sidling still closer to the magnate of Red Wing, he said, with a queer assumption of familiarity: "An' how is yer good lady, Missus Lugena, an' all de babies, Squar'? They tell me you're gittin' on right smart an' think of settin' up yer kerridge putty soon.