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So it was not to be imagined that the Rapier, ancient though she was, suffered from senile decay. "Curse this weather," the Lieutenant muttered, wrinkling his eyes in a vain endeavour to see through the murk. "We've been forty-eight hours on patrol, and now we're due to go into harbour this beastly fog comes down and delays us. It IS the limit!" Pettigrew, the Sub-Lieutenant, agreed.

Hemorrhage has been attributed in many instances to the senile rigidity and friability of the uterine vessels, which are not in a condition to offer sufficient resistance to the blood-pressure which is brought to bear on their walls; there is also softening and relaxation of the uterine tissue.

My wife, entirely absorbed in counting over Carmelo Neri's treasures, apparently saw and heard nothing. Suddenly she broke into another laugh a chuckling, mirthless laugh such as might come from the lips of the aged and senile. The sound curdled the blood in my veins it was the laugh of a mad-woman! With an earnest, distinct voice I called to her: "Nina! Nina!"

All Dostoïevsky is in his phrase: "There are no ugly women" put in the mouth of the senile, debauched Karamazov, a companion portrait to Balzac's Baron Hulot. His love for women has a pathological cast. His young girls discuss unpleasant matters.

You seem to stay out of it, but what if you do? Are you going to sit like a knot on a log and have them say you made a loveless marriage for money, and " "Stop!" Mostyn flared out. "I won't stand it. You are going too far!" "Ah, I see you can be touched," the old man laughed, putting his hand on Mostyn's arm in his most senile mood. "I just wanted to set you thinking, that's all."

For one moment there was dead silence between these two, the strings of whose lives Fate was inextricably mixing in her fingers, palsied by age, and fretted by the constant tugging and straining of those other threads which, in moments of senile anger or childishness, she gets into such hopeless tangles.

He was seldom at rest, scampering here and there, not unlike a bird-dog on a fresh scent. Seeking always seeking what? Balcom grasped his arm in order to arrest his attention. "Doctor Q," he addressed him, "you can have the revenge you have sought so long. Have you prepared everything?" The old man chuckled and wagged his head in senile fashion.

So we talked it over, and he says I ought to do the Final next year. And then, Marcella, look out! I've told you I've laid down my challenge to sickness! I'll have it whacked before I die. I can't see why anyone should die except of senile decay or accident and those we'll eliminate in time! I feel that there's only a dyke of matchboarding between me and the ocean of knowledge.

He was a universal genius on that point I agreed with the old chap, who thereupon blew his nose noisily into a large cotton handkerchief and withdrew in senile agitation, bearing off some family letters and memoranda without importance. Ultimately a journalist anxious to know something of the fate of his 'dear colleague' turned up.

It was then learned that a great part of the time the Emperor was either drunk or doped, that the Empress was hysterical and on the verge of a mental breakdown, and that they were assisted by senile Sturmer, mentally unbalanced Protopopov, and profligate Rasputin, none of whom could read a compass nor lay out a course and steered the ship as they willed.