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But in a moment Douglas was charging that Lincoln and Trumbull, Whig and Democrat, had made a coalition in 1854 to form the Black Republican party and get for themselves the two senatorships from Illinois, and that Trumbull had broken faith with Lincoln.

Departure for Malmaison Unexpected question relative to the Bourbons Distinction between two opposition parties New intrigues of Lucien Camille Jordan's pamphlet seized Vituperation against the liberty of the press Revisal of the Constitution New 'Senatus-consulte Deputation from the Senate Audience of the Diplomatic Body Josephine's melancholy The discontented Secret meetings Fouche and the police agents The Code Napoleon Bonaparte's regular attendance at the Council of State His knowledge of mankind, and the science of government Napoleon's first sovereign act His visit to the Senate The Consular procession Polite etiquette The Senate and the Council of State Complaints against Lucien The deaf and dumb assembly Creation of senatorships.

The old fellow's eyes lighted up with pleasure. "You want a captain, eh?" he said. "No," said Confucius, tapping the table with a diamond-studded chop-stick. "No. We want a er what the deuce is it they call the functionary, Cassius?" "Senator, I think," said Cassius. Demosthenes gave a loud laugh. "Your mind is still running on Senatorships, my dear Cassius. That is quite evident," he said.

The conference, emboldened by terror, marches in a body into the little room, and surrounds the calmly insane Lieutenant-general of the forces; it would be ill-natured to say that visions of lost railroad commissionerships, lost consulships, lost postmasterships, yes, of lost senatorships, were in these loyal heads at this crucial time. Mr.

Departure for Malmaison Unexpected question relative to the Bourbons Distinction between two opposition parties New intrigues of Lucien Camille Jordan's pamphlet seized Vituperation against the liberty of the press Revisal of the Constitution New 'Senatus- consulte Deputation from the Senate Audience of the Diplomatic Body Josephine's melancholy The discontented Secret meetings Fouche and the police agents The Code Napoleon Bonaparte's regular attendance at the Council of State His knowledge of mankind, and the science of government Napoleon's first sovereign act His visit to the Senate The Consular procession Polite etiquette The Senate and the Council of State Complaints against Lucien The deaf and dumb assembly Creation of senatorships.

The conference, emboldened by terror, marches in a body into the little room, and surrounds the calmly insane Lieutenant-general of the forces; it would be ill-natured to say that visions of lost railroad commissionerships, lost consulships, lost postmasterships, yes, of lost senatorships, were in these loyal heads at this crucial time. Mr.

Departure for Malmaison Unexpected question relative to the Bourbons Distinction between two opposition parties New intrigues of Lucien Camille Jordan's pamphlet seized Vituperation against the liberty of the press Revisal of the Constitution New 'Senatus-consulte Deputation from the Senate Audience of the Diplomatic Body Josephine's melancholy The discontented Secret meetings Fouche and the police agents The Code Napoleon Bonaparte's regular attendance at the Council of State His knowledge of mankind, and the science of government Napoleon's first sovereign act His visit to the Senate The Consular procession Polite etiquette The Senate and the Council of State Complaints against Lucien The deaf and dumb assembly Creation of senatorships.

For the civic rewards which Tiberius gives his favored ones I have no wish. Senatorships and proconsulships are like the dust in the apothecaries' scales. I have seen the risen Lord!" Influential is such a life on the home group of Quintus. With his pride of birth and his great properties, Marcus becomes a believer. A conversion it is which is the surprise of Rome.

The conference, emboldened by terror, marches in a body into the little room, and surrounds the calmly insane Lieutenant-general of the forces; it would be ill-natured to say that visions of lost railroad commissionerships, lost consulships, lost postmasterships, yes, of lost senatorships, were in these loyal heads at this crucial time. Mr.

Cannon was on the free silver ticket against her husband, who was nominated for the same office on the Republican ticket. Of the other candidates for the senatorships on that ticket, four were men and one a woman. The men's vote stood: 6,405, 6,197, 6,129, 5,961. The woman's was 4,692. The only woman put up for State Representative ran 2,000 votes behind her ticket.