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It's selfish, but, but " and her voice quivered. "Every step thou takest will carry you farther up from me, and I can't be glad on it, Jack!" "Nonsense, Nelly," Jack said angrily, "dos't think so little of me as to think that I shall not be as true to my two friends, Harry and you, as I am now?" The girl shook her head. "You will try, Jack, you will try.

There is food for all in the world's great store; Enough is provided if rightly divided, Let each man take what he needs no more. Shame on the miser with unused riches, Who robs the toiler to swell his hoard, Who beats down the wage of the digger of ditches, And steals the bread from the poor man's board! Shame on the owner of mines whose cruel And selfish measures have brought him wealth!

And then they came upon the remains of a campfire, but it was a small one, as though there had been but a solitary camper, and that some time back. "I hope no one comes while we're here," murmured Margery. "How selfish!" laughed Hazel. By seven o'clock the delighted girls began to retrace their steps toward the houseboat.

For he did not think of his own interest, his own gain, his own pleasure, his own glory. How is this, then? I confess that the root of all my faults is selfishness. Shall I examine into my own selfishness for a selfish end to get safety and pleasure by it hereafter? I confess that the very glory of Christ is, that there is no selfishness in him.

A sullen consciousness of gratuitous rectitude in the selfish mind of the father; an equally sullen conviction of twenty years of wrong in the son, withheld them both. Unpleasantly observant of each other's awkwardness, they parted with a feeling of relief. Dr.

It had not occurred to her exactly as propitiation, but she had learnt that when Eileen was out of sorts the gift of some pretty thing worked wonders. Had she been spoiling the girl? Was she herself responsible for the whims and fancies which Eileen took so often nowadays? In the old days it had not been so. Eileen had been sweet-tempered and placidly selfish. There was a change in her of late.

As for her relations, her father's sister, Elizabeth Blanchflower, a selfish, eccentric old maid, had just acknowledged her existence in two chilly notes since she returned to England; while Lord Frederick, Winnington's co-executor, had in the same period written her one letter of half-scolding, half-patronising advice, and sent a present of game to Maumsey.

Do you like me?" "Yes, I like you ... though you're frightfully conceited and selfish!..." "Selfish! Me? Because I try hard to get what I want?" he indignantly exclaimed. "Oh, we won't argue about it. You'll never understand. I don't know whether I love you or not. But I like you. I like you very much. Of course, we may be making a mistake.

Long promised to introduce him." "I do not believe Mrs. Long will do any such thing. She has two nieces of her own. She is a selfish, hypocritical woman, and I have no opinion of her." "No more have I," said Mr. Bennet; "and I am glad to find that you do not depend on her serving you." Mrs. Bennet deigned not to make any reply, but, unable to contain herself, began scolding one of her daughters.

One surrenders himself to the animal propensities, and becomes a selfish profligate, insensible to every right principle of action, while his depraved condition is obvious to all around him.