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March, ef you knowed how much patri'tism I got! You hear them Suez fellehs say this is a white man's country an' cayn't eveh be a rich man's country till it is a white man's " "See here, now; I tell you for the last time, if you value your life you'd better make less noise." "Yass, seh. Lawd, I cayn't talk; I'm that thusty I'm a-spitt'n' cotton! No, seh!

He, too, had been reading a letter, a long one in a lady's writing, and seemed full of a busy satisfaction. Mr. March, he said, had ridden out across the river, but would be back very shortly. "Johanna, I may have to go North to-night. I wonder if it's too early in the day for me to call on Miss Garnet?" "No-o, seh," drawled the conscientious maid, longing to say it was.

Mistoo Itchlin, I am in indignan' circumstan's. Mistoo Itchlin, if you know the distwess Mistoo Itchlin, if you know 'ow bad I 'ate to baw!" The tears stood in his eyes. "It nea'ly kill me to b " Utterance failed him. "My friend," began Richling. "Mistoo Itchlin," exclaimed Narcisse, dashing away the tears and striking his hand on his heart, "I am yo' fwend, seh!" Richling smiled scornfully.

"Why, I don't know why capital shouldn't be the fundamental need, seh, of a country that's been impoverished by a great waugh!" Barbara exulted, but Garnet was for peace. "I suppose you'll find Suez swarming with men, women, and horses." "Yes," said Champion Fair was speaking to Barbara "to say nothing of yahoos, centaurs, and niggehs."

Bellamy turned and rode away. At the corner of the corral he met Jack Flatray riding up. "Been having a little difference of opinion with our friend, haven't you, seh?" the deputy asked pleasantly. "Yes." Bellamy gave him only the crisp monosyllable and changed the subject immediately. "What about this stage robbery? Have you been able to make anything of it, Mr. Flatray?" "Why, yes.

"No, seh, I ain't dead-sho' who you is, but I has ezamine yo' hoss, an' whilce I wouldn' swear you ah Mr. Pettigrew, thass the premonition I espec' to espress to my frien' Mr. March, lessn you tell me now, an' tell me true, who you ah. "Yass, seh, I thought so. Yass, seh.

The Major's laugh grew rustic as he glanced from Jeff-Jack, red with resentment, to Judge March, lifted half out of his seat with emotion, and thence to the child, still gazing on the young hero of many battles and one ballad. "Well, that's all over; we can only hurry along home now, and " "Ah! President Garnet, is it all over, seh? Is it, Mr. Jones?"

"We'll hear your account of it now, seh," he said gently. While Alan talked, Jack's gaze drifted through the window to the flock of sheep that were being driven up from the ditch by Lee and Norris. That little pastoral scene had its significance for him.

Well, that's right. We had to help her out." "You're helping her out now, ain't you?" Jack asked dryly. "That's my business. I've got my own reasons, Mr. Deputy. All you got to do is arrest her." "Just as soon as you give me the evidence, seh." "Haven't I given it to you? She was seen to drive away from the house in her rig. She left footprints down there.

"You're making a heap of formality out of this, Mr. Buttinsky," sneered the cowpuncher. Jack made no answer, unless it were one to whistle gently and look out into the night as if he were alone. "No, seh. She doan' wan' tuh see him to-night," announced Jim upon his return. "That seems to settle it, Mr. Norris," said Jack pleasantly. "Not by a hell of a sight.