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Why don't you come up to town or go abroad? You're seedy." "Oh, I'm all right," Robin said, rather irritably. "Only one wonders sometimes if " he broke off suddenly. "I'm a bit worried about something," he said. He was immediately aware that he had said nothing to Randal about the Feverel affair and he wondered why.

By his side stood another man in plain, dark, rather seedy clothes, the coat outrageously long. He wore a cloth hat, whose brim hid his face, and he was smoking a cigar. Both men were slightly built and under middle height. This one was adorned with red whiskers. The moment Mr. Elster set eyes on the dark one, he felt that he saw the man Pike before him.

The house No. 110 Spring Street, occupied by Mrs. Seymour for business purposes, is not more seedy in appearance than the majority of half-way decent tenant houses, which all have a decrepit look after they are four or five years old, as though youthful dissipations had made them weak in the joints. From appearances, Mrs.

And that horrible old man, he's so seedy and common just think of it and spoiling all our fun!" Jasper looked off over the sea, and said nothing. "As for that dreadful boy, his grandson, I think he's a boor. Goodness me I hope nobody will introduce him. I'm sure I never'll recognise him afterward." Jasper turned uneasily. "Please, Mr. King, do make Polly listen to reason," begged Fanny.

Happily she has friends on board, so she rarely comes to the cabin except to tidy up before meals, and afterwards to tell us exactly everything she has eaten. She seems to have a good appetite and to choose the things that sound nastiest when one is seedy. No I don't like Mrs. Murray much; but I dislike her hat-box more.

And, of his broader outlook on life, these: "I am convinced of the necessity of organizing pleasure as well as religion in order to sustain Christian morality." "The chief comfort in life is babies." Detail is grinding, the whole inspiring. God's kings and priests must drudge in seedy clothes before they can wear the purple."

That's about it, I should think; and very likely the seedy swell is waiting for her in their lodgings waiting for her to bring the money home!" Lionel rose; he said not a word; but the pallor of his face and the fire in his eyes were terrible to see. Plainly enough she saw them; but she was only half-terrified; she seemed aroused to a sort of whirlwind of passion. "Oh, say it!" she cried.

I had come upon him one day while lunching with Somers and Sutton at the Playwrights' Club, and had asked him to dinner on the spur of the moment. He was oddly the same curly-headed, red-faced ventriloquist, and oddly different, rather seedy as well as untidy, and at first a little inclined to make comparisons with my sleek successfulness.

Anne turned white over her tea, pleaded her headache, and begged to be taken to her room. Majendie took her there. "Isn't Anne well?" asked Edith anxiously, when he came back. "Oh, it's nothing. She's been seedy all day, and the sight of that cake finished her off. I don't wonder. It's enough to upset a strong man. Let's ring for Nanna to take it away." He rang.

All the men at the club were delighted to see Broussard, and all of them told him he looked seedy and every one who had served in the Philippines and had caught the jungle fever proposed a different regimen for him, but all agreed that Fort Blizzard was a good place to recuperate and that the "old man," as the commanding officer is always called, was rather a decent fellow, and might let him stay, and then they plunged into garrison news and gossip.