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We struck a reasonably quiet sector and fairly well dug, but there were several details in which the trenches varied from what we were accustomed to read about. The first and most noticeable difference from the point of view of the inhabitants was the entire absence of head cover.

Protoplastic circulatory substitutes corrected the deficiency and, just to avoid the slight possibility of further complications, the venous system was also replaced. Since the changeover there hasn't been the least trouble in that sector. By then Marla had a perfect artificial ear and both of my sons had lost their congenitally diseased livers.

It afterwards appeared that this was the enemy's parting shot, for soon after the Division was relieved the enemy's extensive retirement on this sector took place. On relief the Battalion returned to Foucaucourt. Towards the end of the tour Lieut.-Col.

During the balance of October nothing of importance happened in the Lemberg sector of the eastern front, although the Russians attempted a number of times during the last two days of the month to recapture the positions which they had lost on the Narayuvka. These attempts were renewed on November 1 and 2, 1916, with equal lack of success.

He was flying at a considerable height, and Captain Müller, who had been on a joy ride to another sector of the line and had descended to his aerodrome, was informed that a very high-flying spotter was treating Archie fire with contempt and had, moreover, dropped random bombs which, by the greatest luck in the world, had blown up a munition reserve.

They wouldn't continue the war; honor wouldn't permit that. But that still left two possibilities. They might pull back and refuse all further contact, or Medart's earnest hope they might decide to give the Empire the benefit of their improvements, and join it. Here, they'd be a full Sector probably the biggest one, Medart thought, and certainly the strongest. "Ready," Ryan said.

Perhaps they would have seemed more so had the Battalion known, what luckily it could not, that an unpleasant tour was in store, and that afterwards, with the enemy in retreat, there would be no more billets until the summer. German retreat foreshadowed. The Battalion takes over the Ablaincourt Sector. Issues in the making. Lieutenant Fry mortally wounded.

The sudden activity on the front must portend some important movement, or why should so many flying machines be drawn toward this sector? But in a minute she realized that this was not an aeroplane she heard. Debouching into sight from the fringing thickets came a powerful motor car, its forefront armored. She could barely see the head and shoulders of the man behind the steering wheel.

Fighting continued in the Monfalcone sector of the Isonzo front for about a week, during which time the Austrians vainly endeavored to regain the positions which they had lost in the first onrush of the Italian offensive.