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She felt a strong suspicion that "the Sachem," as the boat-crews used to call him, "the Recluse," "the Night-Hawk," "the Sphinx," as others named him, must be the author of it. It appeared to her the production of a young person of a reflective, poetical turn of mind. It was not a woman's way of writing; at least, so thought the Secretary.

The home guests invited were generally those who were at Secretary Blaine's reception the night previous, but the ladies of the Legations were rather more handsomely dressed.

In discussing this Bill with the delegates from the provinces, I think it was the duty of the Colonial Secretary to have gone fairly into this question, and, if possible, to have arranged it to the advantage of the colony and the mother country.

"But not to digress" Pray, doth he call scurrility upon the clergy, a digression? The apology needless, &c. Ibid. "A clergyman, it is said, is God's ambassador." But you know an ambassador may have a secretary, &c. Ibid. "Call their pulpit speeches, the word of God." That is a mistake. "Such persons to represent Him." Are not they that own His power, fitter to represent Him than others?

He received it graciously, announcing that he held in his hand a memorial of the women of the United States signed by Susan B. Anthony, and then turned it over to the secretary to be read while the audience shouted and cheered.

When the secretary arrived he enquired at the Ambassador's where M. d'Isten lived, and, having procured his address, he went to the house and asked for the German gentleman. A person appeared, who said, "I am he." The secretary suspecting nothing, gave him the Prince of Wales' letter and the sixty guineas.

This man Welborn had saved my life; he got me planted where I wanted to be; I owed him everything. He fell right in with my proposal. He disclosed that his name was Shirley Wells, that his home town was Bransford, and here I am." Townsend went to the door of the office. "I will be busy for the next hour," he said to the secretary as he closed the door.

Among, the great names which adorned the Protectorate, that period of intense mental activity, when political and religious rights and duties were thoroughly discussed by strong and earnest statesmen and theologians, that of Andrew Marvell, the friend of Milton, and Latin Secretary of Cromwell, deserves honorable mention.

It sustained a searching congressional investigation at the instance of Fernando Wood in 1870. It was, with blunt discourtesy, transferred from Howard's control, in his absence, to the supervision of Secretary of War Belknap in 1872, on the Secretary's recommendation.

And, Robert, remember to tell me everything the flies say, translated in your United States." "I will and I go, my Gouverneur Faulkner," I made an answer to him with a laugh in which I did not show entirely all of the pleasure I experienced when I discovered I was to be in the place of his secretary, that fine Buzz Clendenning.