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M. de Baville, intendant du Languedoc, avoit un secretaire fort bete: il se servoit un jour de lui pour ecrire au ministre sur des affaires tres importantes et dicta ces mots: "Ne soyez point surpris de ce que je me sers d'une main etrangere pour vous ecrire sur cet objet. Mon secretaire est si bete qu'a ce moment meme il ne s'appercoit pas que je vous parle de lui."

"Why," he asks, "should any one be interested in my stories any more than in the thousand and one stories published this year? Mine are among the number of trivial things that compose the tedium which we call life." His thoughts will flit back over the past, and his own life will seem hardly more real than the day's work on the easel if he be a painter, on the secretaire if he be a writer.

Everyone in Boma works hard, from the Secretaire General who is at his office from 7 a.m. to midday and from 2.30 to 5 p.m. to the hardy healthy-looking native who wields his pick as he chats with his fellows. Roads are being made and gardens laid out in various places. One very noticeable feature of the natives here, is that they nearly all bear wellmarked vaccination marks.

"It was scarcely worth while trying to make himself out so disinterested," Lisa said to Quenu that night, as they went to bed. "I did quite right, you see, in keeping the account. By the way, I haven't noted down the thousand francs I gave him to-day." She sat down at the secretaire, and glanced over the page of figures. Then she added: "I did well to leave a blank space.

Curtis and Hermione looked at each other in blank dismay; even Marcelle's aplomb yielded under this unforeseen strain, and her agitation showed itself in a gasping murmur: "Oh dear! What shall we do now?" Mr. Hughes positively chortled over their discomfiture. He limped to a secretaire, and opened a drawer. "See what it is to have a long experience in these affairs," he cried.

All was so still that the ticking of the old clock upon a bracket seemed to grow into an emphatic beat upon my ear quickened with nervous pain; but I sat down and was soon immersed in my accustomed drudgery of figures, so that, when I had taken out sundry balances, and checked the totals with a sum of money in gold and silver that lay upon the table in a leather bag, I had ceased to note how the night wore on; and after tying up the cash and placing it inside the secretaire, of which I turned the key, I sat down before the fire in a high-backed old leather chair and began to think, or dream, no matter which.

This great organization, known as "L'Assistance aux Dépôts d'Éclopés, Petits Blessés et Petites Malades, et aux Cantonments de Repos," was formally inaugurated on November 14, 1914, with Madame Jules Ferry as President, and Madame Viviani as Vice-President. Mlle. Javal shows modestly on the official list as Secrétaire Genérale.

He went to the old oak secretaire, unlocked a cupboard at the side, and then a drawer within it, followed in every motion by the gleaming eyes of the Jew, and took from it a leather parcel. He undid this and produced a box, about four inches long and three wide, of plain black polished wood. It looked solid, but Phadrig made a swift motion with his fingers, and one half of it slid off the other.

I, got into the carriage at two o'clock and returned at six. When he looked at them he said, "Here is money what is the meaning of this?" I replied, "I know nothing about it, except that it was in your secretaire." "Oh yes; I had forgotten it. It was for my trifling expenses. Here, take it."

"One always breaks things, and there's such a big bill to pay at the end. And then I always lose the keys. One usually has two or three. You should be very careful about that, my dear, they make an enormous charge for lost keys," she prattled on. "I think the house agent gave me three," said Lydia. She walked to her little secretaire, opened it and pulled out a drawer.