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Widow Leech, a kind of relation, who had to be invited, and who came with her old, back-country-looking string of gold beads round her neck, seemed to feel very serious about it. "If she'd ha' known that folks would begrutch cravin' a blessin' over sech a heap o' provisions, she'd rather ha' staid t' home. It was a bad sign, when folks was n't grateful for the baounties of Providence."

"Ef a vessel should chance to pass along outside, we couldn't well be in a worse place fur signalling or gettin' sighted by her. We'd hev but the ghost of a chance to be spied in sech a sercluded corner. Ther'fore we ought to cl'ar out of it, an' camp somewhar on the edge o' the open shore." "In that I agree with you, Chips," responds the Captain, "and we may as well move at once."

Do you know when he does that, doc', I couldn't tell his hand from hers. He taken his touch after her, exact an' his hands, too, sech good firm fingers, not all plowed out o' shape, like mine. I never seemed to reelize it tell she'd passed away. That'll do now, boy.

He drew her quickly to the light of the fire and saw the unshed tears in her eyes. "What's the use ter worry, Nancy gal?" he said. "Give it up ez a bad job. I wouldn't fool with no sech scholar ef I wuz you. Ye can't teach an old dog new tricks " "I won't give up!" she cried with sudden energy. "I can teach you and I will. I won't give up and be nobody.

Don't ever figure nothin' out, 'cause nothin' ever comes out right. Only sech things is jus' my luck." He puffed a moment at his pipe, and then, removing it, turned to the young man beside him with a renewed interest which seemed to be the result of his meditation. "See here, m' boy, I'm thinkin' that if you and I c'uld sorter pull together on this trip it 'u'd be a good thing fer us both.

"I knew she'd be a drag on him, an' now that he's goin' into politics with sech good chances, the mo's the pity. I've told him so time and agin when he stopped at the or'nary." At this point the appearance of Solomon Hatch caused her to explain hurriedly, "We were jest speakin' of Abel an' his chances for the Legislature. You've got a mighty good son-in-law, Solomon."

I remember the last time I rode through there last winter, that cow doggone it, Dell, how the dickens did you get that cow an' calf in? You must a had a photograph t' work from." "By golly, that's right," chimed in Slim. "That there's the cow I had sech a time chasin' out uh the bunch down on the bottom. I run her till I was plum sick, an' so was she, by golly. I'd know her among a thousand.

"Yes," was the answer, "he's a likely lad; but we're gettin' old, mother, and one is about all we can do well by. Sometimes I think maybe we've bargained for too much, tryin' to keep even one. So it's best to let the little one go before we get to settin' sech store by him that we can't." A vague terror seized Steven as he realized who it was they were talking about.

"I doesn't want no sech freedom ez you got, mars'r, hid'n en scrugin' fum tarin' en rarin' red-hot gallopers ez Mad Whately en his men. Dey'd des bun de ole cabin en me in't ef dey knowed you's dar. Bettah stop yo' mouf wid yo' supper." This Scoville was well contented to do for a time, while Aun' Jinkey smoked and listened with all her ears.

It covered the ground to the depth of a foot and a half on the level and Jed said it was just the right kind of weather for deer. "If we spot 'em they won't have much chance to git away," he told them, "They can't run in sech deep snow nohow." Of course they went on their snowshoes.