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A lone rider came out of the dusk and the desert and loomed beside his campfire. The moment the firelight flushed on the face of the man, he knew this was the face for which he had been searching.

While speaking, he would keep his eyes upon the person addressed with an expression uncomfortably searching. Most extraordinary, however, he did not once ask about prices. One of the Shaykhs ventured an inquiry. "How great will his Highness' suite be?" "Four." The Shaykh threw up his hands. "O Allah! Four dromedaries and twenty camels for four men!"

So they laid the book aside for the present; and Hector, searching about for another with which to fill up the remainder of the afternoon, came upon one in which the mechanical powers were treated after a simple fashion. Of this book Willie had now read a good deal.

Morry spelled it through again, searching for light. But it was a very dark word. Rec-om-pense, if it meant anything money-y, then they'd made a mistake, for of course you don't spell "pence" with an "s." The dictionary was across the room, and you had to stand up to look up things in it, Morry wished it was not so far away and that you could do it sitting down.

Mere impertinences, the babblings of fair dreams, poured forth into no where, to no thing, and in vain? Has every suffering, searching soul which ever gazed up into the darkness of the unknown, in hopes of catching even a glimpse of a divine Eye, beholding all, and ordering all, and pitying all, gazed up in vain?

When the fog cleared away there was no sign of the Bridgwater Merchant and Iberville, sure that she had made the port of Boston, and knowing that there must be English vessels searching for him, bore away to Quebec with Gering on board. He parted from his rival the day they arrived Perrot was to escort him a distance on his way to Boston. Gering thanked him for his courtesy.

I asked, for the drawing-room windows were up some distance from the ground, and there was no gallery on that side. "I'll show you," said he, running into the garden. After searching awhile in the dark, he found a ladder the gardener had left against a tree; after much straining, we carried the ladder to the house and set it up under one of the windows of the drawing-room.

And the full force of the storm crashed about Jill's defenceless head at the midday hour also of the same day, when she ought to have been searching the coolness of her midday sleeping chamber, and forgetfulness of the last few hours in sleep.

No hostile demonstration of any kind had been attempted since Farnham's retreat, and now no sign of contemplated attack was to be perceived. The large number of men visible earlier in the day had mysteriously disappeared; not even the searching field-glasses served to reveal their whereabouts.

'The Father seeketh such to worship Him, that is the divine activity is going about the world, searching for the heart that turns to Him, and it cannot but be that they that seek Him shall find Him, or 'shall be found of Him. Open the windows, and you cannot keep out the sunshine; open your lungs and you cannot keep out the air.