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And she said nothing at all, but looked at me inscrutably, with a flicker of scorn in her sea-gray eyes. Harber smiled lazily and serenely, and leaned back in his chair, and replied in a superior tone: "My dear Sterne, things that are made in heaven like my marriage don't just happen. Can't you see that your stand simply brands you an unbeliever?" And, of course, I can see it.

Storri strove all he knew to soften the San Reve and turn her frowns to smiles. He failed; nothing would unlock that flinty, hard reserve. "About the Harleys," said the jealous San Reve at last. "How do you stand with the Harleys? You still go there?" The San Reve shot a sharp, inquiring glance at Storri from her sea-green, sea-gray eyes.

They were sea-eyes sea-gray, sea-blue, with a hint even of sea-green. Never before had the master of Chance Along seen or dreamed of such eyes. The skipper was strangely and deeply stirred by the clear, inquiring regard of those eyes; but, despite his dreams and ambitions, he was an eminently practical young man. He extended the flask and held it to her lips with a trembling hand.

Athena rose before him, a vision welcome as daylight, with her sea-gray eyes and golden hair beneath a golden helmet. "Be wise in honoring me, Paris," she said, "and I will give thee wisdom that shall last forever, great glory among men, and renown in war." Last of all, Venus shone upon him, beautiful as none can ever hope to be.

His skin was a beautiful clear pink and white just tinged with tan like a meringue that has been in the oven for two minutes exactly. He had a straight, chiseled profile and his hair was thick and chestnut and wavy and he had clear sea-gray eyes. To give him at once his full name and titles, he was the Honorable Cuthbert Patrick Ruthmore Vane, of High Staunton Manor, Kent, England.

Athene rose before him, a vision welcome as daylight, with her sea-gray eyes and golden hair beneath a golden helmet. "Be wise in honoring me, Paris," she said, "and I will give thee wisdom that shall last forever, great glory among men, and renown in war." Last of all, Venus shone upon him, beautiful as none can ever hope to be.