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Powdered, they have been supposed peculiarly serviceable in calculous disorders. Their taste is merely farinaceous. LYSIMACHIA Nummularia. MONEYWORT, OR HERB TWOPENCE. The Leaves. Their taste is subastringent, and very slightly acid: hence they stand recommended by Boerhaave in the hot scurvy, and in uterine and other haemorrhagies.

He, however, who makes thinking itself, and consequently "the spirit," responsible for the falseness of the world an honourable exit, which every conscious or unconscious advocatus dei avails himself of he who regards this world, including space, time, form, and movement, as falsely DEDUCED, would have at least good reason in the end to become distrustful also of all thinking; has it not hitherto been playing upon us the worst of scurvy tricks? and what guarantee would it give that it would not continue to do what it has always been doing?

The results of this régime were most gratifying. The deaths from scurvy dropped to seven, which represented a great proportionate decrease. At the same time, intercourse with the Indians was put on a good basis thereby. 'At these proceedings, says Lescarbot, 'we always had twenty or thirty savages men, women, girls, and children who looked on at our manner of service.

Their spirits rose at once, and this, with the ample supply of fresh meat that had been procured, soon began to drive scurvy away. There was one dark spot, however, in this otherwise pleasant scene one impending event that cast a gloom over all. In his narrow berth in the cabin Joseph West lay dying. Scurvy had acted more rapidly on his delicate frame than had been expected.

Passing four miles beyond this cape, they anchored in a large bay, where was a plant resembling sneezwort, which they found serviceable in the scurvy; also another plant, which rendered those who eat of it distracted for a time.

The sick, being twenty in number from the Adventure, and one from the Resolution, all of whom were ill of the scurvy, he ordered to be landed; and he appointed a guard of marines on shore, under the command of Lieutenant Edgcumbe. On the 27th, Otoo was prevailed upon, with some degree of reluctance, to pay our commander a visit.

He gained his first experience of Antarctic exploration as a member of the British expedition in the Discovery, under Captain Scott. It was a good school. Scott, Wilson, and Shackleton, formed the southern party, with the highest latitude as their goal. They reached 82° 17' S. a great record at that time. Being attacked by scurvy, Shackleton had to go home at the first opportunity.

We were also supplied liberally with lime-juice, sauerkraut, and pickles, as an antidote to scurvy, and I now recall the extreme anxiety of my medical director, Dr. Kittoe, about the scurvy, which he reported at one time as spreading and imperiling the army.

"What would you suggest, Shorty?" "Who? Me? I ain't got no suggestions. The thing's got to run its course." "But that means they'll all die," Smoke protested. "Except Wentworth," Shorty snarled; for he had quickly come to share his partner's dislike for that individual. The everlasting miracle of Wentworth's immunity perplexed Smoke. Why should he alone not have developed scurvy?

Wind south-east. Distance, twenty miles. Wednesday, 30th May, The Davenport Range. I find this water will not last more than three days. I have determined to remain here to-day, and have sent Kekwick in search of more water. As I am now a little better, I must get my plan brought up. It has got in arrear, in consequence of my hands being so bad with the scurvy.