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This sea of inventions, fashions, furniture, works of art and fiascos, made for him a poem without end. Shapes and colors and projects all lived again for him, but his mind received no clear and perfect conception. It was the poet's task to complete the sketches of the great master, who had scornfully mingled on his palette the hues of the numberless vicissitudes of human life.

He smiled scornfully at this, and said, 'It was the labor of my infancy to conquer snakes. So saying he clasped my neck with his hands. I was almost choked, and struggled to get my neck out of his grasp. Vanquished in this form, I tried what alone remained to me and assumed the form of a bull. He grasped my neck with his arm, and dragging my head down to the ground, overthrew me on the sand.

"The idea of not being your own mistress, even when you're a grandmother!" exclaimed Lulu scornfully. "Mamma is her own mistress," retorted Rose. "It is only that she loves grandpa so dearly, and thinks him so wise and good, that she prefers to do just as he wishes her to." "Let come what will, I mean to bear it out."

At this point Master Pedro came in search of Don Quixote, as the show was about to begin. Before entering the inn, however, Sancho entreated his master to ask the ape whether what he saw in the cave of Montesinos was true. Don Quixote did so, and the ape answered that some of it was true, some of it was not; and immediately Sancho scornfully broke in and said that he had told him so already.

They plunged almost at once off the hill into a slum, where in the tall brick tenements women were hanging out of the windows enjoying the spring day. The sunshine and the blue sky made the narrow, dirty streets, and the evil-looking buildings even more out of place than usual. The young Californian wrinkled his mouth scornfully over it.

As I pen these last lines, the live body looking over my shoulder smiles scornfully. 'Lucy D , said Aunt Sarah Grundy, 'I really cannot conceive what you and Elsie find to entertain you in the desolate, out-of-the-way places where you are in the habit of wasting your summers. Why can you not be content with the ordinary highways, where people travel comfortably in good boats and rail cars?

"You see I've been in the crowd," he said more simply and less bitterly. "I don't suppose men who have been most burned to death ever say 'The fire can't hurt you." "And do they never try to rescue others from fires?" asked Katie scornfully. "Do they let them burn just because they know fire for a dangerous thing?" "Rescue them for what? More fires?

Levy has a family record as ancient and as honorable as her husband's. She is a kind-hearted woman and really handsome. She has four beautiful sons. I tell you, Jane, when she stands in the midst of them she is a sight worth looking at." Jane laughed scornfully, and Jane's husband continued with decided emotion, "Yes, indeed, when you see Mrs.

"My wife!" cried Vane, trembling with anger and jealousy. "She here! and with this man?" "No!" cried Triplet. "With me, with me! Not with him, of course." "Boaster!" cried Vane, contemptuously. "But that is a part of your profession!" Pomander, irritated, scornfully drew from his pocket the ladies' joint production, which had fallen at his feet from Mrs. Woffington's hand. He presented this to Mr.

I shall go, and you can do as you will, blunder on," scornfully, "with your nitroglycerin, your rags, and drills and and rouse the entire countryside, if you will." "Ah, but " "Will you accept my aid?" "On conditions, only," she stipulated. "Halvers?" He shook his head. "Half shares, or not at all!" She was firm. "A partnership?" This educed a moue of doubt, with: "I'm not worthy the honor."