United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"This continual gossip about other people's affairs, this sighing and groaning and everlasting prying, this eavesdropping, this friendly sympathy . . . damn it all! They lend me money and make conditions as though I were a schoolboy! I am treated as the devil knows what! I don't want anything," shouted Laevsky, staggering with excitement and afraid that it might end in another attack of hysterics.

What sport it would have afforded me had I been still a schoolboy!

Corfield, essaying careful little spurts, schoolboy fashion, along the edges; and the portly rector, proud to show his past superiority in sharp criticism on the style of the present day as a voucher for his own greater grace and skill in the days when he too was an Adonis for the one part and an Admirable Crichton for the other, and carried no superfluous flesh about his ribs.

And if," added Harley, with affectionate and mournful sweetness, "if I weary you with complaints which you cannot understand, it is only because of old schoolboy habits. I can have no trouble that I do not confide to you." Egerton's hand trembled as it pressed his friend's, and without a word, he hurried away abruptly.

He was still staying with Strahan, who told me that his guest had ensconced himself in Forman's old study, and amused himself with reading though not for long at a time the curious old books and manuscripts found in the library, or climbing trees like a schoolboy, and familiarizing himself with the deer and the cattle, which would group round him quite tame, and feed from his hand.

"There was ever so much more of it. And it ended in her telling me that I was a schoolboy. I found out the cause of it all. A great spout of rain had come upon her daughter's hat, and that had produced a most melancholy catastrophe." "I would have given her mine willingly." "An American hat; to be worn by Lady Violet Clanfiddle!" "It came from Paris last week, sir."

"I'm glad you know what shame is," retorted the mate. "If you can't be'ave yourself, you'd better keep a bit for'ard till you get in a better temper," continued the skipper. "I'll be pleased to," said the smarting mate. "I wish the barge was longer." "It couldn't be too long for me," said Miss Harris, tossing her head. "Be'aving like a schoolboy," murmured the skipper.

Daniel was a thoughtless, irreverent lad, full of schoolboy restlessness when first he came; but though he was at first remarkable for his ill- behaviour in church, his attendance insensibly took effect upon him, as it brought his mind under the influence of the two chief powers for good then in London, John Newton and Richard Cecil.

The girl was not pretty, but she was fresh and gay, and Doris, tired with "much serving," envied her spirits, her evident assumption that the world only existed for her to laugh and ride in, her childish unspoken claim to the best of everything clothes, food, amusements, lovers. Doris on her side made valiant efforts with the schoolboy. She liked boys, and prided herself on getting on with them.

"Merely because he is intimately connected with the events that have turned you out of your usual, your right course. I see that your mind is moving in a rather narrow circle, which contains, besides yourself, two people only, Marr and Cresswell." "Darkness and light. Yes, it's true. How rotten of me," Julian exclaimed, like a schoolboy. "I'm like a squirrel in a cage, going round and round.