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I had often wondered since my marriage whether Dicky's love for me was the real lasting devotion which could stand adversity. I knew that no matter how old or gray or maimed or disfigured Dicky might become he would be still my royal lover. I should never see the changes in him. But if I should suddenly turn an ugly scarred face to Dicky would he shrink from me?

Together they stepped into the roadway, where the frosty surface was scarred by the soldiers' feet, and together they reached the doorway of the large building and read the legend, "Soctiété Peintres et Sculpteurs Français." The Irishman read the words with the faintly humorous, faintly sceptical glance that he seemed to bestow upon the world at large.

To the east, in New York, the Adirondacks, with the sunlight full upon them, shot up jade-colored peaks into the electric blue the scarred pyramid of Graytop standing forth dark, detached, and alone, like a battered veteran sentinel.

Alas! the weariness of waiting for what we long for, and long for purely, but which never comes! Is it the work or the longing the long longing that has put the silver in your head, friend, and scarred the smooth bloom of your cheeks, my lady, with those ugly lines? "Mother, I'm hungry," said the little boy, looking up into the woman's face. "Can't I have just a little more to eat?"

She brought her other hand from behind her, and held the two out side by side. The last wrist was much disfigured, deeply scarred and scarred across and across. When she held her hands out she took her eyes from Mr. Jaggers, and turned them watchfully on every one of the rest of us in succession. "There's power here," said Mr. Jaggers, coolly tracing out the sinews with his forefinger.

I thought so," grunted Stacy. "Brave man is Ned Rector! If you were a scarred veteran like myself then you'd have a right to swell out your chest," added the fat boy, gingerly stroking the bullet mark on his cheek. "Well, go on. We're listening." "That's all there is to tell, Professor, except that we carried the man down here and there he is."

There were other places where the Lord fell, and others where he rested; but one of the most curious landmarks of ancient history we found on this morning walk through the crooked lanes that lead toward Calvary, was a certain stone built into a house a stone that was so seamed and scarred that it bore a sort of grotesque resemblance to the human face.

They piled up comforts and blankets in the cart, and she lay on them quite snugly, her scarred child's-face looking out from a great woollen hood Mrs. Howth gave her. Old Yare held Barney, with his hat in his hand, looking as if he deserved hanging, but very proud of the kindness they all showed his girl. Holmes gave him some money for a Christmas gift, and he took it, eagerly enough.

I never grew weary of gazing upon it. It rises amid the hoar ruins of Rome, scarred and rent, yet wearing an eternal youth; for with the most colossal size it combines in the very highest degree simplicity of design and beauty of form.

Yet he was under the power of the blind man, as if hypnotized. He lifted his hand, and laid the fingers on the scar, on the scarred eyes. Maurice suddenly covered them with his own hand, pressed the fingers of the other man upon his disfigured eye-sockets, trembling in every fibre, and rocking slightly, slowly, from side to side.