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The best writers have memoriae prodere and prodi, 'for the recollection of posterity', memoria prodi, 'to be handed down by tradition'; but not memoria prodere. LUDIS: sc. Panathenaicis, abl. of time. The Panathenaea was the greatest of the Athenian festivals and was celebrated in honor of Athene, patron goddess of the city, once in four years.

Skene with their daughter Kitty, who has been indisposed, came to dinner, and the party was a well-assorted one. Richard III., Act IV. Sc. 2. See letter to George Forbes from Sir Walter, dated Dec. 18th, 1830. Life, vol. X. pp. 19-20. Widow of Francis, Lord Seaforth, last Baron of Kintail, and mother of the Hon. Mrs. Stewart Mackenzie. A sportive association of young athletes.

And those, that hold the government through him, have prevailed by all the means efficacious in worldly affairs; principally and mainly, by having a person to bribe the corruptible; secondly, a point no less important, by having at their command, at whatever season they required, an army to put down their opponents. It is called Mandragora also in English. See Othello, Act III. Sc. 3.

To this I consenting, he instructed me how to sound the vowels; so different from the common pronunciation used by the English, who speak Anglice their Latin, that with some few other variations in sounding some consonants in particular cases, as C before E or I like CH, SC before I like SH, &c. the Latin thus spoken seemed as different from that which was delivered, as the English generally speak it, as if it were another language.

[Footnote A: Si qui Homines sunt Silvestres, sicut Pygmeus, non secundum unam rationem nobiscum dicti sunt Homines, sed aliquod habent Hominis in quadam deliberatione & Loquela, &c. A little after adds, Voces quædam (sc. Animalia) formant ad diversos conceptus quos habent, sicut Homo & Pygmæus; & quædam non faciunt hoc, sicut multitudo fere tota aliorum Animalium. Adhuc autem eorum quæ ex ratione cogitativa formant voces, quædam sunt succumbentia, quædam autem non succumbentia. Dico autem succumbentia,

Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 2nd Series, vol. ii., 1853, p. 259. A relation of this bird, the Colaptes mexicanus, does not yield to him in economy and skill. He places his barn in the interior of a plant which is very abundant in the zone he inhabits. Insectivorous during a part of the year, he is forced to renounce this diet during the dry season.

In Sc. iii., the state of Rosalind's heart as to Orlando, hinted at in sc. ii., is fully revealed; the Duke's hatred takes shape in his sentence of banishment or death, giving rise to a new direction for action, and the emotion of Celia's love for Rosalind bears fruit in her determination to go with Rosalind into banishment.

Go and hide beneath His shadow: this shall then be your reward; And whene'er you leave the silence of that happy meeting place, You must mind and bear the image of the Master in your face. The first college in India with full staff of women and residence accommodation. The first Arya Samaj B.A. graduate. The F.Sc. graduate who became the second woman with the B.Sc. degree in India.

"Recherches sur quelques Coleoptères aveugles," Ann. Sc. Nat., v. Série, t. ix., 1868, p. 71. Aphis-pens and paddocks. Ants can also keep Aphides in their homes. In this case, fearing that the adult beasts may not be able to adopt a change of surroundings and food, they bring the eggs to their nests and care for them at the same time as their own children.

The berries are in no respect inferior in flavour to those of the parent country." THE DAMMAR, A SPECIES OF PINUS. Sinensis delt. Swaine Sc. The dammar is a kind of turpentine or resin from a species of pine, and used for the same purposes to which that and pitch are applied. It is exported in large quantities to Bengal and elsewhere.