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"Ez I was sayin'," continued Nott, once more pressing the excited man down in his chair, "I might hev wiped ye out and mebbee ye wouldn't hev keered or you might hev wiped me out, and I mout hev said. 'Thank'ee, but I reckon this ain't a case for what's comfable for you and me. It's what's good for Rosey. And the thing to kalkilate is, what's to be done."

"'T is natural for an Irishman t' love a pig, if 't is a pig worth lovin', and 't is natural, I make no doubt, for a Dutchman t' love a horse th' same way, and each t' his own, as th' sayin' is. Mebby th' Frinch can learn t' love th' flea in th' same way, Mr. Flannery." "I say th' same, Missus Muldoon," said Flannery, "an' I say th' professor has done that same, too.

It'll be a reg'lar tea party fur jest us two." He broke off to chuckle. His mirth made him appear even more repulsive than before. "But looky here, you wus sayin' somethin' about money," he said suddenly. "Le's take a look at all this here money." He came over to him and went through Mr. Trimm's pockets. Mr. Trimm said nothing and stood quietly, making no resistance.

'Elizabeth, I broke in, 'don't forget to grill master's bloaters for breakfast. In this way do I recall her and remind her of her duty when she ignores the chasms of caste and class distinction which yawn between us. 'Grilled, 'm? Right-o. Well, as I was sayin' about Miss Marryun.

"`Take another, sir, says I. "`No, thankee, says he with a sigh, for he didn't like to leave off. "Well, we lived for a week on horseflesh, an' first-rate livin' it wos; then we fell in with buffalo, an' niver ran short again till we got to the settlements, when he paid us our money an' shook hands, sayin' we'd had a nice trip an' he wished us well.

"We might as well be cast away at sea as down in that wild gorge; though for that matter it seems, to-night, as if one's neighbors wouldn't step out of doors to keep a body from drowning. Why no one has heard us is more than I can understand, unless it is accordin' to the old sayin', 'None's so deaf as them as won't hear." But there was nothing strange in the fact that they had been unnoted.

'He kept sayin' things, an' 'bout all we could understand was "Daddy, daddy," an' then she throwed her apern over her face, an' " David tipped his hat a little farther over his eyes, though, like many if not most "horsey" men, he usually wore it rather far down, and leaning over, twirled the whip in the socket between his two fingers and thumb.

The Minister talked some science about it to Mother Tossell said as 'ow dogs 'adn't no souls but a 'eap of sympathy; and it ended by 'er 'avin' a good cry over me when she tucked me up for the night, an' sayin' as after all I might be a brand plucked from the burnin'. But it didn' take in Miss Chrissy, as I could tell from the look in 'er eyes."

Her brown eyes alius minded me o' my mother, though th' old woman deed when I were nobbut a little chap, but I never seed 'Sanna Brent smile th'out thinkin' o' how my mother looked when I wur kneelin' down sayin' my prayers after her. An' bein' as th' lass wur so dear to me, I made up my mind to ax her to be summat dearer.

"I's seen 'em hangin' alibe on dem hooks for hours. But dat's nuffin to what some on 'em do. Look dar; you see dat ole man a-sittin' ober dere wid de small t'ings for sale him what's a-doin' nuffin, an' sayin' nuffin, an' almost expectin' nuffin? Well, I once saw dat ole man whacked for nuffin or next to nuffin on de sole ob his foots, so's he couldn't walk for 'bout two or t'ree mont's."