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"Hod thy din! Besom-Joe, while I ve sattled wi' t' Colonel" said the smith, and he turned once more on his man. "What I want to know is if parson didn't say: 'I publish t' banns o' marriage between Tom Pounder, bachelor, and Anne Coates, spinster, both o' this parish." "Aye, that's reight," said the Colonel, "an' I see what thou's drivin' at. Thou means Mary Taylor ought to be called spinster.

"Well," said Dave, looking about him as if in search of a good piece of wood which might prove useful, "I dunno. You lads do as you likes; but if I wanted to go, I sud say as the weather was nicely sattled, and start to-morrow morning."

Adolphe alone was against the verdict of the household, and I think believed that I would have preferred to remain. "I'm sure I thought you was quite sattled, miss," he said, as he saw me off; and he blubbered like a baby. His transplanted perennials were "sattled" by copious floods of water. Perhaps he hoped that tears would settle me!

'Molly o' Long Shay were noan sich a beauty, bud aw felt as aw could aw liked to ha' kuss'd her that day, an' no mistak'. "Ey, Molly," aw said, "if aw thought thaa spok' truth, aw'd see Betty to-neet." "See her, mon," hoo said, "an' get th' job sattled." 'Well, yo' mun know, Mr.

"Weel, Robert," began the latter, after they had jogged on in silence for half a mile or so, "what's to be done wi' little Annie Anderson and her Auntie Meg, noo that the douce man's gane hame, an' left them theroot, as't war?" "They canna hae that muckle to the fore efter the doctor an' a' 's sattled for." "It's no to be thought. "Jeames Dow luikit weel after the farmin', though." "Nae doot.

I wad get the newspapers whiles, but no aften, for they're a sair loss o' precious time. Ye see they tell ye things afore they're sure, an' ye hae to spen' yer time the day readin' what ye'll hae to spen' yer time the morn readin' oot again; an' ye may as weel bide till the thing's sattled a wee.

He was not often the last in a conspiracy. His arrival had for the moment a sedative effect. "Here's Curly! Here's Curly!" "Weel, is't a' sattled?" asked he. "She's condemned, but no execute yet," said Grumpie. "Hoo are we to win at her?" asked Cadger. "That's jist the pint," said Divot. "We canna weel kill her in her ain yard," suggested Houghie. "Na.

"You're a good old chap, Hicky," said Dick, smiling up at the big fellow; "but you can't understand what I feel over this." "Hey, bud I can," cried the wheelwright quickly; "you feel just the same as I did when Farmer Tallington Tom's father here said I'd sent him in his bill after he'd sattled it; and as I did when my missus said I'd took half a guinea outer money-box to spend i' town.

It's whispered indeed, that he left Brigabee to go and help in a pawmbroker's, but it seems he married an Aberdeen lass and sattled there after a while, the manager of a store, I have been given to understa-and. He has taken oald Rab Jamieson's barn at the bottom of the Cross for what purpose it beats even me to tell! And that's his furniture " "I declare!" said the astonished Brodie.

The general opinyon sattled doon to this,'at they twa bude till hae fa'en oot at cairts, an' fouchten it oot, an' the auld captain, for a' his skeel an' exparience, had had the warst o' 't, an' so there they faun' 'im. But I reckon, Cosmo, yer father 'ill hae tellt ye a' aboot the thing, mony's the time, or noo, an' I'm jist deivin' ye wi' my clavers, an haudin 'ye ohn sleepit!"