United States or Saint Lucia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

From his pocket the stranger drew his pocket-book, and took something from it. He could fasten the post to his horse in some way, and throw it away in the sand when at a safe distance. "Will you take this for your carving?" The boy glanced at the five-pound note and shook his head. "No; I cannot." "You think it is worth more?" asked the stranger with a little sneer.

"Well, now, he's a Joe-dandy, a regular cracker-jack; an' he's goin' ter be boss of that whole shootin' match, Morgan an' that little, black, snaky feller, an' old Blaisdell, too, if he don't look out fer hisself." "What makes you think so?" asked Jack, much amused. "I don't think so, I know it. He's got more sand than all the rest of 'em put together, an' he ain't afraid of nobody.

"Don't y' think ye better open that pack, an' get a drink for y'rself, my boy?" Wayland was pausing in the shadow of a sand butte, and the old man had ridden up. "Want it for yourself?" "Not a drop." "Better keep it for the horses, then; if we can keep them going to the next spring, they'll carry us out. Anything the matter with me that you ask that?" "Oh no; A thought A saw you wave y'r arms."

I saw some rocks and sand with a few trees in the distance, probably part of an island, easily discerned under ordinary circumstances above water. The danger for the moment was past, but there was no doubt that we had reached that portion of the Caribbean Sea most studded with dangers. Any moment we might again be among reefs.

It is chiefly covered with floating sand, the surface of which in various places is white, with diminutive spinelas, and everywhere over the whole surface is found the large and soft muscle shell.

Watching them, dreaming, standing now and again looking out over the sweet wonder of the placid sea, sometimes wading ankle deep, sometimes walking on the firm floor of uncovered sand, Damaris passed onward losing count of time.

"Yes," said he one day, in speaking of Reyburn to Lilian as they looked at him through the open door of the drawing-room "yes, we men may love Reyburn safely enough, as we ask for no devotion in return, but woe be to the woman who builds her house on that sand!" "Will it slide away?" asked Lilian, not glancing from her needle. "Well Look at him now. Possession palls on him, they say.

He nodded at the sand, which for some feet around the body bore the deeply indented marks of feet, as though a furious struggle had taken place. "It's a mighty queer affair," pursued the sergeant, addressing Dr. Burrows.

He looked at Porter, who at that moment raised the rifle and fired, and a man who was approaching Jinaban, knife in hand, to cut his bonds, spun round and fell upon the sand with a broken back. In a moment the crowd of Ijeet men drew off.

Coward!" Leaving the hill, Elias descended to the lake and ran along the shore excitedly. There at a distance in the midst of the waters, where the moonlight seemed to form a cloud, he thought he could see a specter rise and soar the shade of his sister with her breast bloody and her loose hair streaming about. He fell to his knees on the sand and extending his arms cried out, "You, too!"