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Your uncle is a man of the world, and you know the world is evil; we have been called to come out of it. He does not think as we do, nor believe as we do, nor live as we do, according to the Word. For one thing, he cares nothing for the sanctity of the Sabbath. Unless he has changed very much, he is not temperate nor reverent. I fear the effect of his example in Glendour.

There is a sanctity in the Past, but only because of the chronicles it retains, chronicles of the progress of mankind, stepping-stones in civilisation, in liberty, and in knowledge. Our fathers forbid us to recede, they teach us what is our rightful heritage, they bid us reclaim, they bid us augment, that heritage, preserve their virtues, and avoid their errors.

The Romans now habitually indulged in those violations of the sanctity of the domestic shrine, and those insults upon honour and modesty, by which far less gallant spirits than those of our Teutonic ancestors have often been maddened into insurrection. "Heap heavier still the fetters; bar closer still the grate; Patient as sheep we yield us up unto your cruel hate.

I fancy that the mist of centuries of undiscriminating admiration has magnified this figure out of all proportion and contrived, furthermore, to fix an iridescent nimbus of sanctity about its head. Such things have been known to happen, in foggy weather. Was Greece so very legendary, in those times?

So the menial servants are put utterly beyond the pale of grace; unless indeed, they are to go to heaven through the sanctity of their masters, and possibly they might think even that, rather an uncertain passport. There is a penalty for keeping open, houses of entertainment.

In its pride of numbers, in its strange pretensions of sanctity, and in the secret readiness to abase itself in suffering, the spirit of Russia is the spirit of cynicism.

"Under the canopies of costly state, And lulled with sounds of sweetest melody." And, indeed, so he is; for the canopy of the soft blue sky is above him, and the plashing fountains lull him to his dreams. Nor is he without ancient authority for his devotion to those twin saints, Cipolla and Aglio. There is an "odor of sanctity" about them, turn up our noses as we may.

Doubts may flit around me or seem to close their evil wings and settle down, but so long as I imagine that the earth is hallowed and the light of heaven retains its sanctity on the Sabbath while that blessed sunshine lives within me never can my soul have lost the instinct of its faith. If it have gone astray, it will return again.

In her "Vindication," she had upheld the sanctity of marriage because she believed that the welfare of society depends upon the order maintained in family relations. But her belief also was that the form the law demands is nothing, the feeling which leads those concerned to desire it, everything.

Let the humanitarian say what he pleases. Man is a manslayer by instinct and by will. And within the little area of this beleaguered town do not men kill, and are not men killed, every day? The conditions are mediæval, fast relapsing into the primeval. The modern sanctity and inviolability attending and surrounding human life are at a discount.