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It makes against degeneration, the essential feature of which is weakening of will and loss of honor. Real virtue requires enemies, and women and effeminate and old men want placid, comfortable peace, while a real man rejoices in noble strife which sanctifies all great causes, casts out fear, and is the chief school of courage.

Holiness means the possession of the Christ-spirit, the passion for saving others, with reasonable efforts to secure what you seek. When God sanctifies your soul He makes a great inward light; the purpose is not to be your own selfish enjoyment, but that you may be better qualified as a minister of blessing and Salvation to the poor dark souls around you.

This was said in a matter-of-fact way, that, more clearly than anything else, showed her want of that peculiar kind of love which sanctifies marriage. Charles saw this, and replied: "I have no doubt, Ida, but you would make one of the best of wives; but I should fear to wed you, when neither of us loved more ardently than we do." "Why would you fear?"

Money, which exalts the lowly, and sheds honour upon the exalted money, which makes sin appear goodness, and gives to viciousness the seeming of chastity money, which silences evil report, and opens wide the mouth of praise money, which constitutes its possessor an oracle, to whom men listen with deference money, which makes deformity beautiful, and sanctifies crime money, which lets the guilty go unpunished, and wins forgiveness for wrong money, which makes manhood and age respectable, and is commendation, surety, and good name for the young, how shall it be gained? by what schemes gathered in? by what sacrifice secured?

Not that works do save us, but faith, which layeth hold on Christ's righteousness for justification, sanctifies the heart, and makes men desirous to live in this world, to the glory of that Christ who died in this world to save us from death. For my part I doubt of the faith of many, and fear that it will prove no better at the day of God than will the faith of devils.

It is man who consecrates; it is God who sanctifies. Perfect consecration is an entire surrender of a personal human being to a personal God.

I am much older, but I seem to have just awakened to the dream of bliss that sanctifies manhood. My darling, if a better man came, I could give you up, if I went hungering all the rest of my days. But you shall not go to certain wretchedness. And he must see the truth. That is the way a man should love." Her slender, white throat rose and fell like a heartbeat.

But He does ask how much we have kept back, and takes strict account of the unsurrendered possessions, the unimproved opportunities, the unused powers. He gives much who gives all, though his all be little; he gives little who gives a part, though the part be much. The motive sanctifies the act, and the completeness of the consecration magnifies it.

So let us learn how impossible are righteousness and holiness, morality and religion in men, unless they flow from this source. It is the truth that sanctifies. It is the Spirit who wields that truth who sanctifies. It is Christ who sends the Spirit who sanctifies.

To be sure, a sorry bit of wood, a tree, the stock of a tree, is not. It must be this, because the Scripture says plainly, the altar sanctifies the gift, that is, puts worth and virtue into it. But was it the tree, or the godhead of Christ, that put virtue and efficacy into this sacrifice that he offered to God for us? If thou canst but count thy fingers, judge.