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Besides sugar, which is present in this sap to the extent of 616 grains nearly an ounce and a half per gallon, there are present a mere trace of mucilage; no starch; no tannin; 31/2 grains per gallon of ammoniacal salts yielding 10 per cent. of nitrogen; 3 grains of albuminoid matter yielding 10 per cent. of nitrogen; a distinct trace of nitrites; 7.4 grains of nitrates containing 17 per cent. of nitrogen; no chlorides, or the merest trace; no sulphates; no sodium salts; a little of potassium salts; much phosphate and organic salts of calcium; and some similar magnesian compounds.

The rootlets absorb the water charged with mineral salts from the soil, and the leaves absorb the sunbeams from the air. So it looks as if the tree were almost made of matter and spirit, like man; the ether with its vibrations, on the one hand, and the earth with its inorganic compounds, on the other earth salts and sunlight.

The resultant salts, however, ought to be carbonate of soda and muriate of lime, the latter is present, but not the carbonate of soda. Hence I am led to imagine that by some unexplained means the carbonate of soda becomes changed into the sulphate.

But the herb under consideration contains a relatively larger proportion of inorganic salts, as those of lime, potassa, and ammonia, and especially of highly nitrogenized substances; which explains why tobacco is so exhausting a crop to the soil, and why ashes are among its best fertilizers.

Her daughter's cry of alarm recalled her to herself. Lisbeth went off to fetch some salts. When she came back, she found the mother and daughter in each other's arms, the Baroness soothing her daughter's fears, and saying: "It was nothing; a little nervous attack. There is your father," she added, recognizing the Baron's way of ringing the bell. "Say not a word to him."

These salts can also be produced by the union of acids with equivalent quantities of certain metallic oxides or hydroxides, called bases, of which those soluble in water are termed alkalis. Alkalis have a caustic taste, and turn red litmus solution blue.

Medora Hastings, holding two kinds of smelling salts which invariably revived her simply by inducing the mental effort of deciding which was the better.

Then there was the pump house; for even the toughest of old "salts" must have fresh water. And it had cost many a dollar to strike it in these rocks; but strike it at last the well-borers did, and the pump was roofed and walled in as Killykinick's greatest treasure.

Succulent vegetables, chiefly valuable because of salts and juices. Fats and oils, no matter what their source, are concentrated foods which furnish heat and energy when burned in the body. When people are free and active in the fresh air they can eat in a way that would soon ruin the digestive powers of those who lead more artificial lives.

Covey for one year, and that I must go back to him, come what might; and that I must not trouble him with any more stories, or that he would himself GET HOLD OF ME. After threatening me thus, he gave me a very large dose of salts, telling me that I might remain in St. Covey's early in the morning; and that if I did not, he would get hold of me, which meant that he would whip me.