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It had happened one morning in the salon of the Pension, when Claire had been coaching an English visitor in preparation for a French interview which lay ahead, and Miss Farnborough, laying down her book, had listened with smiling interest. Then the Englishwoman left the room, and Miss Farnborough had said, "You did that very cleverly; very cleverly indeed!

As she thought thus Jacqueline noiselessly opened the door of the salon, over which, on the inner side, hung a thick plush 'portiere'. But as she was about to lift it, the sound of a voice within made her stand motionless. She recognized the tones of Marien. He was pleading, imploring, interrupted now and then by the sharp and still angry voice of her mamma.

With a small lamp in her hand, she conducted him through the dining-room and the salon to Madame Dammauville's bedroom. At the threshold, a glance showed him that some changes had been made in the arrangement of the furniture. The small bed where he had seen Madame Dammauville was placed between the two windows, and she was lying in a large bed with canopy and curtains.

Madame Poulain, with the adaptability of her kind the adaptability which makes the French innkeeper the best in the world, always served a real "American breakfast" in the Burtons' salon. As his son made no answer to his remark, he went on, "I should like to be at the station a few minutes before the Hamworths' train is due."

She welcomed him in the salon where many another distinguished man had been entertained from Frontenac, and Vaudreuil, down to Sir Guy Carleton.

The salon was a little room about eight feet by ten, silkily furnished. Besides being the salon, it was clearly also the salle

I am off to Italy with my wife; so you can have Mistigris to help you along. The young scamp has talent, and I put him at your disposal. He is twittering like a sparrow at the very idea of amusing himself at the chateau de Presles. Adieu, my dear Joseph; if I am still absent, and should send nothing to next year's Salon, you must take my place.

Miss Mangles announced her intention of smoking a cigarette this evening, upon which Netty rose and said that if they were not long over their tobacco they would find her in the drawing-room. The Mangles' salon was separated from the dining-room by Joseph's apartment a simple apartment in no way made beautiful by his Spartan articles of dress and toilet.

It was probably the first time ... yes ... Thou wast so pale when thou earnest back to the salon. "I had seen you two; I was there, in the shrubbery. I was angry! If I could I should have killed you both! "I said to myself: 'He shall not marry Suzanne, never! He shall marry no one. I should be too unhappy. And all of a sudden I began to hate him dreadfully. "Then, dost thou know what I did?

He wrote her a long letter of self-upbraiding for the past, and the contrast between the slimy dug-out where he was writing by the light of one guttering candle, and the cosy salon he had just quitted being productive of nostalgia, he expressed himself, for once in his life, in the terms of an ardent lover.