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In the Afghan quarter no salaams greeted the conquering Feringhees, and scowling faces frowned on the spectacle from windows and side-streets. Three days later occurred an event which might have been a great catastrophe.

To crawl is not to worship; we have learned A drill of eyelids, bended neck and knee, Hanging our prayers on binges, till we ape The flexures of the many-jointed worm. Asia has taught her Aliabs and salaams To the world's children, we have grown to men!

His Shereefian Majesty came at length, and then, amid salaams and peace-blessings, the company passed in to the banquet. "Peace on you!" "And on you the peace!" "God make your evening!" "May your evening be blessed!" Did Ali shrink from the task at that moment? No, a thousand times no!

Without giving a thought to his bleeding nose, the mahout jumped at the rupee with the greediness of a wild beast springing upon its prey. He prostrated himself in the dust before us repeatedly, with endless "salaams," instantly changing his deep sorrow into mad joy.

Again there were elaborate salutations and salaams, and Kaid presently said: "Foorgat?" "Effendina," answered High, "it is not known how he died. He was in this Palace alive at night. In the morning he was found in bed at his own home." "There was no wound?" "None, Effendina." "The thong?" "There was no mark, Effendina." "Poison?" "There was no sign, Effendina." "Diamond-dust?"

This done, he retired with three flowing salaams, to which the judge replied with three little nods. "What on earth did the beggar say? What makes you grin, Mr. Stevens?" Stevens. "He said click!" Robinson. "Come! tell me first, laugh after." Stevens. Robinson. "Well, I consent!" Stevens. "'May dogs defile the graves of your enemies! Robinson.

An eccentric Austrian gentleman once saw fit to imitate the natives in turning their faces to the wall, and improved upon the time-honored custom to the extent of making salaams from the back of his head. This singular performance pleased the ladies immensely, and they reported it to the Shah.

As soon as the underling had spread a cloth and arranged the cups and plates Chamu nudged him into the background and stood to receive praise undivided. The salaams done with and his own dismissal achieved with proper dignity, Chamu drove the hamal away in front of him, and cuffed him the minute they were out of sight. There was a noise of repeated blows from around the corner.

The newcomer was a Habshiabadi in gorgeous raiment, who announced to Gerrard that his Excellency Dilir Jang Bahadar sent his salaams, and with Jirad Sahib's permission, would lead his master's forces into battle. "With all my heart," said Gerrard, and as the man moved off he observed to Charteris, "This will leave me free to fight the guns for you, Bob, if you wish it.

"And the nurse, of course?" suggested Dr. Craven. "No, I will not have the nurse," so magnificently that Mary could not help remembering how the young native Prince had looked with his diamonds and emeralds and pearls stuck all over him and the great rubies on the small dark hand he had waved to command his servants to approach with salaams and receive his orders.