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The report that followed, after scarce five seconds of stillness, was smart, crisp, short as a revolver-shot; and long before a hundred peaks had made an end of flinging back the sound, a second flash and crash in swifter succession smote the eyes and ears of the riders, who now urged their horses to a canter, saises, coolies, and three devoted dogs panting zealously behind them.

"Your men, in servants' quarters here, examining cook. Marker indignant. Steward threatens resignation. Members furious. Saises stopped on roads. Shut up, or my resignation goes to committee." "Now, I shouldn't in the least wonder," said Strickland, thoughtfully, to his wife, "if the club was not just the place where a man would lie up. Bill Watson isn't at all pleased, though.

It was evident that something important had occurred and we hurried on to meet him. "Simba!" he shouted, as soon as he could be heard. In a moment we had the details. One of the saises had seen two lions, a large male and female, quite near the camp. Porters were instructed to watch the beasts until we should arrive, and now were supposed to be in touch with them.

Tess too had seen the beggar on the rock remove his ragged turban, rewind it, and then leisurely remove himself from sight. The system of signals was pretty obviously simple. The whole intriguing East is simple, if one only has simplicity enough to understand it. "Can your horse be seen from the road?" Yasmini asked. "No, miss. The saises are attending to him under the neem-trees at the rear."

It was a generous lode and Tony a good fellow; to work it he brought in all the Sevadras, even to the twice-removed; all the Castros who were his wife's family, all the Saises, Romeros, and Eschobars, the relations of his relations-in- law. There you have the beginning of a pretty considerable town.

Youghal, who was wrapped up in her servants, began talking at houses where she called of her paragon among saises the man who was never too busy to get up in the morning and pick flowers for the breakfast-table, and who blacked actually BLACKED the hoofs of his horse like a London coachman! The turnout of Miss Youghal's Arab was a wonder and a delight.

On the other side of the road were apricot trees, whose varying beauty of bud and leaf and flower and fruit can be better imagined than described. Among these apricot orchards I had a capital stable for twelve horses, and a good room attached to it for any number of saises, or grooms; and beyond that again was a little garden, through which the river wended its way. So much for the exterior.