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If a dictator was ever at the head of the city government in Praeneste, there are none of the proofs remaining, such as are found in the towns of the Alban Hills, in Etruria, and in the medix tuticus of the Sabellians.

War in Picenum Asculum Besieged And Conquered Subjugation of the Sabellians and Marsians Thus began the second campaign in 665. The insurgents opened it, even before winter was over, by the bold attempt recalling the grand passages of the Samnite wars to send a Marsian army of 15,000 men to Etruria with a view to aid the insurrection brewing in Northern Italy.

No Italian stock remained exempt from this transmuting of old faith into new superstition. As the lore of entrails and of lightning was cultivated among the Etruscans, so the liberal art of observing birds and conjuring serpent? flourished luxuriantly among the Sabellians and more particularly the Marsians.

It is for the Governor to decide between Papists and Protestants, Jansenists and Molinists, Arminians and Calvinists, Episcopalians and Presbyterians, Sabellians and Tritheists, Homoousians and Homoiousians, Nestorians and Eutychians, Monothelites and Monophysites, Paedobaptists and Anabaptists.

Regarding the development of the fine arts among the Etruscans and Sabellians our knowledge is little better than none.

But if the same word had not served to stigmatize the heretics, and to unite the Catholics, it would have been inadequate to the purpose of the majority, by whom it was introduced into the orthodox creed. This majority was divided into two parties, distinguished by a contrary tendency to the sentiments of the Tritheists and of the Sabellians.

War in Picenum Asculum Besieged And Conquered Subjugation of the Sabellians and Marsians Thus began the second campaign in 665. The insurgents opened it, even before winter was over, by the bold attempt recalling the grand passages of the Samnite wars to send a Marsian army of 15,000 men to Etruria with a view to aid the insurrection brewing in Northern Italy.

It has been already observed that the transition from a pastoral to an agricultural economy preceded the immigration of the Italians into the peninsula. Agriculture continued to be the main support of all the communities in Italy, of the Sabellians and Etruscans no less than of the Latins.

Scanty as our knowledge in this respect is in reference to the Roman people and still more so in reference to the Sabellians and Etruscans, even the slight and very defective information which is attainable will enable the mind to associate with these names some more or less clear glimpse of the once living reality.

It was owing to anything but devotion towards the revolutionary Roman government, that numerous contingents from the Oscan districts reinforced their armies; but it was well understood there that an oligarchy restored by Sulla would not acquiesce, like the lax Cinnan government, in the independence of these lands as now de facto subsisting; and therefore the primitive rivalry between the Sabellians and the Latins was roused afresh in the struggle against Sulla.