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The canoe had now caught its speed. Conjuror's House was dropping astern. The rhythm of the song quickened as the singers told of how the king's son had aimed at the black duck but killed the white. "Ah fils du roi, tu es mèchant, En roulant ma boule, Toutes les plumes s'en vont au vent, Rouli roulant, ma boule roulant." "Way wik! way wik!" commanded Me-en-gan, sharply, from the bow.

M. Benassis, it was so very warm out here, and it is so nice to feel warm! I am always cold. I felt so happy that without thinking I began to try over Malbrouk s'en va-t-en guerre, just for fun, and then I began to listen to myself because my voice was something like the sound of the flute your shepherd plays." "Well, my poor Jacques, this must not happen again; do you hear?

With one of the daily reports sent to the First Consul he received the following quatrain, which made him laugh heartily: "Vaisseaux lestes, tete sans lest, Ainsi part l'Amiral Gantheaume; Il s'en va de Brest a Bertheaume, Et revient de Bertheaume a Brest!"

With one of the daily reports sent to the First Consul he received the following quatrain, which made him laugh heartily: "Vaisseaux lestes, tete sans lest, Ainsi part l'Amiral Gantheaume; Il s'en va de Brest a Bertheaume, Et revient de Bertheaume a Brest!"

"Colinette au bois s'en alla En sautillant par-ci, par-la; Trala deridera, trala, derid-er-a-a." One jersey-clad figure was singing lustily as he dropped with a spring into his boat. He began to coil the loose ropes at once, as if the disappointments in life were only a necessary interruption, to be accepted philosophically, to this, the serious business of his days.

To while away the time he began to whistle to himself, and what with whistling, and what with winking and talking to the lantern on the table, and calling himself painful names, he endured his captivity well enough. It was near midnight when the lock turned in the door and presently stepped inside a girl. "Malbrouk s'en va t'en guerre," said she, and nodded her head to him humorously.

Elle ne s'en dottie que trop!" said Ambient, with a laugh; but he took my meddling very good-naturedly, and contented himself with adding that he was very much afraid she would burn up the sheets, with his emendations, of which he had no duplicate. The doctor paid a long visit in the nursery, and before he came down I retired to my own quarters, where I remained till dinner-time.

We left Paris determined to undertake the journey to the Front in the true spirit of the French Poilu, and, no matter what happened, "de ne pas s'en faire."

D'you s'pose I haven't eyes in my head?" The veneer of sobriety Beresford imposed on his countenance refused to stay put. MacLean fumed on. "Hmp! Malbrouck s'en va-t-en guerre, eh? Very pretty. Very romantic, no doubt. But damned sentimental tommyrot, just the same." "Yes, sir," agreed the constable, barking into a cough just in time to cut off a laugh.

They sang: Maid Marian, setting forth to find The mill, with sacks of corn to grind, Her donkey, Jan, bestrode. My dainty maiden, Marian, She mounted on her donkey, Jan, And took the mill-ward road.* * Marian' s'en allant au moulin, Pour y faire moudre son grain, Ell monta sur son âne, Ma p'tite mam'sell' Marianne! Ell' monta sur son âne Martin Pour aller au moulin.