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Vous avez mieux rencontre que vous ne pensiez, en disant que c'est une oeuvre de roi, puisque le Roi des rois s'en mele, lui a qui obeissent la mer & les vents. Nous ne craignons donc pas les naufrages; il n'en suscitera que lorsque nous en aurons besoin, & qu'il sera plus expedient pour sa gloire, que nous cherchons uniquement.

As a compensation there are charming, apparently mischievous, cattle, perfect milk, butter, eggs, and tout ce qui s'en suit, cheese and chickens. To save the reader from becoming confused by allusions in Chopin's letters to names of unknown persons and places, I will now say a few words about the composer's Scotch friends.

Only, many years ago, a hand wrote upon it in pencil these four lines, which have become gradually illegible beneath the rain and the dust, and which are, to-day, probably effaced: Il dort. Quoique le sort fut pour lui bien etrange, Il vivait. Il mourut quand il n'eut plus son ange. La chose simplement d'elle-meme arriva, Comme la nuit se fait lorsque le jour s'en va.

Why should he stop? Why should he not continue indefinitely telling us about 'Old Salisbury' and 'Old Madagascar'? But it could not be. Le temps s'en va, le temps s'en va, Madame; Las! Le temps non, mais nous, nous en allons.

Within a short breathing time after that morning when he stood outside Leipsic, whistling Malbrook s'en va-t-en guerre whilst his flying army gasped its last in the river or fled under a hail of bullets from enemies commanded by generals without a tenth of his ability or prestige, we find him disguised as a postillion, cowering abjectly behind the door of a carriage whilst the French people whom he had crammed with glory for a quarter of a century were seeking to tear him limb from limb.

For he is most careful to tell us the dress and appearance of each character. 'Racine abhorre la realite, says Auguste Vacquerie somewhere; 'il ne daigne pas s'occuper de son costume. Si l'on s'en rapportait aux indications du poete, Agamemnon serait vetu d'un sceptre et Achille d'une epee. But with Shakespeare it is very different.

He was the most foul-mouthed brute in the army, and, like Snake in the School for Scandal, thought a good action would have ruined his character forever. Nevertheless, there came into his cunning and ferocious eyes a glisten of the same light which had been in the little gamin's when, first by the bivouac fire, he had murmured, "Picpon s'en souviendra."

The Doctor had but one air "Malbrouck s'en va-t-en guerre"; even with that he was on terms of mere politeness; and his musical exploits were always reserved for moments when he was alone and entirely happy. He was recalled to earth rudely by a pained expression on the boy's face.

"Quel est l'objet que l'on recherche le plus quand on s'en dégoûte?" A mysterious inquiry, and all sorts of horrible but needful abominations occur to the mind in answer. But the answer is not so bad after all.

The rhythmic motion of them might have suggested, if there had been anybody present to observe, that his mind was running on the old river song. "Malbrouck s'en va-t-en guerre, Mironton-ton-ton, mirontaine." Beresford speaking, to an audience of one, who listened with soft dark eyes aglow and sparkling. "He's the best scout ever came over the border, Jessie.