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The edge of life is rusted; The agate studs and whisker ointment left him very much disgusted. "Perhaps it was Miss Rivers forsaking him. Was not that rather spider-hearted, Tom?" "Come, Harry, it is time to have done. We are getting into civilised society here's Abbotstoke." "Poor Norman, he is very far gone! He takes that scarecrow for civilised society!"

He drew back for a moment, but, unable to restrain his curiosity, wrenched the rusted casement open.

The quarter-deck rose into an ample elevated poop, upon the forward verge of which, lifted, like the oakum-pickers, some eight feet above the general throng, sat along in a row, separated by regular spaces, the cross-legged figures of six other blacks; each with a rusty hatchet in his hand, which, with a bit of brick and a rag, he was engaged like a scullion in scouring; while between each two was a small stack of hatchets, their rusted edges turned forward awaiting a like operation.

This reproof embarrassed both Nick Chopper and Captain Fyter. They looked down, shamefaced, for a moment, and then the Tin Woodman explained in an earnest voice: "I rusted." "So did I," said the Tin Soldier. "I could not know that, of course," asserted Nimmie Amee. "All I knew was that neither of you came to marry me, as you had promised to do. But men are not scarce in the Land of Oz.

Nobody coveted the position, nor the wife, nor the property of other persons; theft became a word without signification; arms rusted; powder was only consumed in fireworks; prisons stood empty; finally, in this decade of the golden age, only one single deplorable event occurred ... the lawyers died from hunger and quietude. Alas! that so happy a time should have an end!

Like the prince in the nursery tale, he sought and found the sleeping beauty within the recesses which had so long concealed her from mankind. The portal was indeed rusted by time; the dust of ages had accumulated on the hangings; the furniture was of antique fashion; and the gorgeous colour of the embroidery had faded.

I have read of all recent polar expeditions, and within the last twenty years there has been no one of this name to venture toward the pole. Besides the copper cap on the cylinder has become rusted on, and that would indicate the passage of considerable time." "I wonder if there are people at the pole?" came from Mark. "We'll go and see!" exclaimed the professor.

"Is there any way of getting in from the top of the house the roof?" asked the coroner. A look of something like respect came into Osborne's face. Clearly the question was one which he considered worth while. "There is a scuttle," he replied. "The bolt is rusted and broken; it has probably not been fastened for months, perhaps years."

In the midst of the wreckage was something that looked for all the world like the remains of a gas-motor. It was not rusted, either, which indicated that it had been put there recently. As he looked at it, Craig's face displayed a smile of satisfaction. "Looks as though it might have been an aeroplane of the tractor type," he vouchsafed, finally.

This master-advocate of all the history of English jurisprudence felt it in his blood that he must practise law; and so his sword rusted while he studied Blackstone. Finally, he deserted the field for the forum, there to become the most illustrious barrister the United Kingdom has produced.