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There was a second's pause in the rush; and, in the pause, Clayton's voice, in a vicious undertone: "You two ginks open your traps, and I'll run you both in!" And then the rush passed, and swept on up the stairs. Jimmie Dale looked at the Runt. The cigarette dangled limply; the Runt's eyes were like a hunted beast's. "Dey got him!" he mumbled. "It's Stace Stace Morse.

Dividing the remaining beeves as near equally as possible, Runt's squad pushed off slightly in advance of De Manse, the remainder of us riding along the bank with the horses and clothing, and cheering our respective crews. The Frenchman was but a moment later in taking the water, and as pretty and thrilling a race as I ever witnessed was in progress.

He walked down the room, caught the Runt's eyes significantly as he passed the table, kept on to a door between the platform and the bar, opened it, and went out into a lighted hallway, at one end of which a door opened onto the street, and at the other a stairway led above. The Runt joined him. "Wot's de row, Larry?" inquired the Runt. "Nuthin' much," said Jimmie Dale.

Beatrice stepped in. Johnnie followed. Clay rose from the lounge and said, "Glad to see you, Miss Whitford." "Did you bring me here to say good-bye, Johnnie?" asked Beatrice. The Runt's tongue stuck to the root of his mouth, His eyes appealed dumbly to Clay. "Better explain to Miss Whitford," said Clay, passing the buck.

"Say, Runt" he jerked his head toward the street door "wot's de fly cops doin' out dere?" The grin vanished from the Runt's lips. He stared for a second wildly at Jimmie Dale, and then clutched at Jimmie Dale's arm. "De WOT?" he said hoarsely. "De fly cops," Jimmie Dale repeated in well-simulated surprise. "Dey was dere when I come in Lansing an' Milrae, an "

I hate to say it, but the runt's workin' you for range and shelter." The cattleman's ingenuous mind refused to entertain Chad's view of the case, and when, later, he came to apply the test, doubt entered not into his motives. One day, about noon, two men drove up to the ranch, alighted, hitched, and came in to dinner; standing and general invitations being the custom of the country.

I hate to say it, but the runt's workin' you for range and shelter." The cattleman's ingenuous mind refused to entertain Chad's view of the case, and when, later, he came to apply the test, doubt entered not into his motives. One day, about noon, two men drove up to the ranch, alighted, hitched, and came in to dinner; standing and general invitations being the custom of the country.