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When she and her companion were out of sight he retraced his steps to Roy-Town, where he made himself as comfortable as he could in the deserted old inn of his boyhood's days. He missed her companionship this evening more than he had done at any time during the whole fifteen years; and it was as though instead of separation there had been constant communion with her throughout that period.

The nearer boughs were beaded with the mist to the greyness of aged men, and the rusty-red leaves of the beeches were hung with similar drops, like diamonds on auburn hair. At the roadside hamlet called Roy-Town, just beyond this wood, was the old inn Buck's Head.

Some fifteen years after the date of the foregoing incidents, a man who had dwelt in far countries, and viewed many cities, arrived at Roy-Town, a roadside hamlet on the old western turnpike road, not five miles from Froom-Everard, and put up at the Buck's Head, an isolated inn at that spot.

Nicholas had been sentimental enough to write to Christine immediately on landing at Southampton a day or two before this, addressing his letter at a venture to the old house, and merely telling her that he planned to reach the Roy-Town inn on the present afternoon. The news of the scattering of the Everards had dissipated his hope of hearing of her; but here she was.

But he forgave her for marrying Bellston; what could he expect after fifteen years? He slept at Roy-Town that night, and in the morning there was a short note from her, repeating more emphatically her statement of the previous evening that she wished to inform him clearly of her circumstances, and to calmly consider with him the position in which she was placed.

The nearer boughs were beaded with the mist to the greyness of aged men, and the rusty- red leaves of the beeches were hung with similar drops, like diamonds on auburn hair. At the roadside hamlet called Roy-Town, just beyond this wood, was the old inn Buck's Head.