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I didn't really need it, an' if I could only have sold it I'd been all right, but now the whole thing's got to go. I don't care so much for myself, but it'll come powerful hard on the wife, for she does set a store by the old place, if it is rough-lookin'."

I asked him wasn't they all very good-looking chaps, and he said Starlight was genteel-lookin', but there was one great, big, rough-lookin' feller that was you, Jim as was ugly enough to turn a cask of beer sour. 'I'll give him a hammerin' for that yet, grumbles old Jim. 'My word, he was that shaky and blue-lookin' he didn't know whether I was white or black.

As he punched her ticket, he said, with a genial smile, which was the voluntary tribute paid to Auntie Sue by all men: "You are not much like the passengers I usually carry in this part of the country, ma'm. They are mostly a rather rough-lookin' lot." She smiled back at him, understanding perfectly his intended compliment. "They are good people, though, sir, most of them.

I asked, staring at him in amazement, "Do you mean to say Mrs. Brennan and Celia Minor are there in that front room?" "Don't know who they are, sir two mighty fine lookin' young ladies, an old lady with white hair, an' a big, rough-lookin' female, sir. The last one wus handlin' a gun to beat the band just afore you came." "And he keeps them there, exposed to all this heavy fire?

Jezabel wuzn't a likely woman at all; I wouldn't been willin' to neighbor with her. Rachel's tomb is a little furder on. It is a long, rough-lookin' structure with a round ruff on the highest end on't. Christian, Jew and Moslem all agree that this is Rachel's tomb. It wuz right here that little Benoni wuz born and his ma named him while her soul wuz departing, for she died.