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"Do you know Lady Roseville well?" said I. "Very," answered Glanville, laconically, and changed the conversation. As we were leaving the Park, through Cumberland Gate, we were stopped by a blockade of carriages; a voice, loud, harsh, and vulgarly accented, called out to Glanville by his name. I turned, and saw Thornton.

Heaven be praised, the handsomest man of the day is never the chief object in the room, when Henry Pelham and his guardian angel, termed by his enemies, his self-esteem, once enter it. "Charming collection you have here, dear Lady Roseville," said I, looking round the room; "quite a museum!

Never consider that vanity an offence, which limits itself to wishing for the praise of good men for good actions: next to our own esteem, says the best of the Roman philosophers, 'it is a virtue to desire the esteem of others." "By your emphasis on the word esteem," said Lady Roseville, "I suppose you attach some peculiar importance to the word?" "I do," answered Vincent.

"Well," said Lady Roseville, "I fear we shall never have any popular poet in our time, now that Lord Byron is dead."

"General Papson was of a different opinion. He thought that the day's battle had been fought on the part of the enemy by his advance merely; that he was marching rapidly, believing that he could pass around our left flank on the Mission House Road, by way of Roseville, into Chatteraugus without much of a struggle, thinking our army all to be on the Bridgeton and Fayette road; that in the morning they would attack with their whole force; and for that we should prepare during the night.

Finding our little knot was now broken up, I went into another part of the room, and joined Vincent, Lady Roseville, Ellen, and one or two other persons who were assembled round a table covered with books and prints. Ellen was sitting on one side of Lady Roseville; there was a vacant chair next her, but I avoided it, and seated myself on the other side of Lady Roseville.

Pelham: you will endeavour even to forget it farewell." Lady Roseville, then drawing her cloak closely round her, left me with a fleet and light step, and turning the corner of the street, disappeared. I returned to my charge, I demanded an immediate interview with the magistrate. "I have come," said I, "to redeem my pledge, and acquit the innocent."

"What, the hero of Chester Park returned, without having once narrated his adventures tome?" "Beautiful Lady Roseville," said I, "I plead guilty of negligence not treason. I forgot, it is true, to appear before you, but I forget not the devotion of my duty now that I behold you. Command, and I obey." We lay our serious orders on you to come to our castle this night: we shall be alone."

Good Heavens! what an unbecoming glass that is! placed just opposite to me, too! Could it not be removed while I stay here? Oh! by the by, Lady Roseville, do you patronize the Bohemian glasses? For my part, I have one which I only look at when I am out of humour; it throws such a lovely flush upon the complexion, that it revives my spirits for the rest of the day. Alas!

Wormwood went on with his dry toast, and Lady Roseville, who that morning had, for a wonder, come down to breakfast, good naturedly took off the bear.