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"They are still in the early twenties. The world is all before them, and they have time to fall into all sorts of troubles which the romanticist has not thought of. Middle age is just as dangerous a period as youth, and matrimony has its pitfalls. Let me take up the story and tell you how they didn't live happily ever afterwards, but, on the contrary, had a cat-and-dog life of it."

For Turgenev expressed himself in stories that must be called romances, and Stevenson employed almost always a naturalistic technique. Yet no one would ever call Turgenev a romanticist, or Stevenson a realist.

Vergil is a close personal friend of these men but refuses to accept the axioms of any one school; Gallus, his friend, is a free romanticist, and is followed in this tendency a few years later by Propertius. The influences that made for classicism were many.

Marsden, poor devil ... but the arrival of the soup interrupted Romarin's meditation. He consulted the violet-written card, ordered the succeeding courses, and the two men ate for some minutes in silence. "Well," said Romarin presently, pushing away his plate and wiping his white moustache, "are you still a Romanticist, Marsden?"

Our young traveller was a romanticist, and all of these notions came severally into his thoughts. Whatever might have been the motives of conduct in the robber, who thus audaciously announced himself the member of a club notorious on the frontiers of Georgia and among the Cherokees for its daring outlawries, the youth determined to keep up the game so long as it continued such.

It was while he was engaged in producing the plays of others that he brought out also his own 'Mistress Inger at Ostraat' , and the 'Vikings at Helgeland' , both of them actable and often acted. They are romanticist in temper, suggesting now Schiller and now Hugo.

Later on he will sober down and travel once more." "He is not a Romanticist in the sense you mean," sighed Vera. "You may fairly call him poet, artist. I at least begin to believe in him, in his delicacy and his truthfulness. I would hide nothing from him if he did not betray his passion for me. If he subdues that, I will be the first to tell him the whole truth."

Romance, like many another thing of beauty, is very rare; but Romanticism is common enough nowadays. The truly Romantic is difficult to achieve; but the artificial Romanticist is so easy as to be scarce worth the attempting. The Romantic is ever young, ever fresh, ever delightful; but the Romanticist is stale and second-hand and unendurable.

Despite all the ideas concerning right which had troubled her vaguely since she had last seen him, she was now influenced again strongly in his favour. "I came out here to-day," he went on, solemnly, "to tell you just how I feel to see if you wouldn't listen to me." Hurstwood was something of a romanticist after his kind.

"You're different from Ned Ferry," he said. "Has he a taste for fiction?" I asked, with a depreciative smirk. "Yes, a beautiful story is a thing Ned Ferry loves with a positive passion." "I suppose we might call him a romanticist," said I, "might we not?" The patient gentleman smiled again as he said, "Oh Gholson can attend to that."