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After that, by riding craftily, and by threats, and by much vituperation, he managed to reach Rodway's unchapperoned at least three times out of five which was doing remarkably well, when one considers Pink. At Home at Cross L.

Then Miss Conroy went over and held her little, gloved hands to the heat of the stove, but she did not take the chair which some one pushed toward her. She stood, the blanket shrouding her face and her slim young figure, and looked about her curiously. It was not Rodway's house, after all. She thought she knew what place it was the shack where Rodway's hay-balers bached.

Then, far to the right, a yellow eye glowed briefly when the storm paused to take breath. Miss Conroy gave a glad little cry and turned Badger sharply. "Did you see? It was the light from a window. We were going the wrong way. I'm sure that is Rodway's." Rowdy thanked the Lord and followed her. They came up against a fence, found a gate, and passed through.

Every one knew that he ought to have been chief clerk, and that Rodway's appointment was sheer influence. The staff was mad, and some one said Rodway need not expect to have a particularly good time. "Perkins overheard him, and chipped in at once. 'Mr.

Mary would have been my bridesmaid if she had lived; and I can't forget Mary, even on my wedding-day.... THE last words of the last story fell low and trembling from Owen's lips. He waited for a moment while Jessie dried the tears which Anne Rodway's simple diary had drawn from her warm young heart, then closed the manuscript, and taking her hand patted it in his gentle, fatherly way.

But Rowdy stayed where he was, with the gate creaking to and fro between them. Dixie circled till his back was to the wind. "I hope you don't think you're going to mill around out here alone," Rowdy said tartly. "I can manage very well. I'm not lost now, I tell you. Rodway's is only three miles from here, and I know the direction."

My packhorse is about all in, from the way he hangs back; if we don't strike something pretty soon I'll have to turn him loose." "Oh, don't do that," she begged. "It would be too cruel. We're sure to reach Rodway's very soon." More plodding through drifts high and drifts low; more leaning from saddles to search anxiously for trace of something besides snow and wind and biting cold.

It might be all right, but it sure was strange, he told himself, that Chub belonged here at Rodway's when Harry Conroy claimed that he was an Oregon horse. Rowdy had thought his account against Harry Conroy long enough, but it looked now as though another item must be added to the list.

Then he bought others, established what was known as Rodway's Line, gave up going to sea himself, rented an office in a mean street, where he slept and cooked his meals, and worked harder than ever at making money, oblivious of the sneers of those who railed at his parsimony. He was content.

I got to milling around in that storm, and ran across the schoolma'am that boards at Rodway's, She was plumb lost, too, so we dubbed around together for a while, and finally got inside Rodway's field. Then Chub come alive and piloted us to the house. This morning Rodway claimed him says the brand has been worked from a Roman four. Oh, it's all straight goods," he added hastily.