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He stopped as if to get his breath, and put his head in his hands again rocking himself to and fro like a man in great physical pain. I sat silent beside him. It is difficult to decide what to do or say to a man under such circumstances.

On either side near the prow was painted in scarlet a great eagle's eye, and now the two large red eyes of the canoe gazed ahead into the darkness, seeking to pierce the unknown. The canoe went on with a gentle, rocking motion made by the current, strayed now and then a little way from the cliff, but always came back to it.

"No no!" answered Barrymaine, speaking in a thick, indistinct voice and rocking unsteadily upon his heels, "I'm not n-not drunk, only dev'lish sleepy!" and swaying to the wall he leaned there with head drooping. "Then you'd better lie down, Ronald."

"That would be something like your fir-tree prank, Tom," said his sister. "Can you believe," she added, turning to the visitor, "that Tom lopped the branches of a tall young fir-tree all the way up, leaving little bits for foothold, and then climbed up it one day in an awful storm of wind, and clung on at the top, rocking backwards and forwards?

The women showed more signs of life than the men, for some of them were moving about among the children, and one poor, old, withered, ragged squaw sat in the door of her lodge, with her gray hair all down over her face, rocking backward and forward, and singing a sort of droning chant. There was not one quadruped of any kind to be seen in or about that camp.

I feel it my duty to tell you this, a duty that no one else is courageous enough to perform " "Really, is this quite the place?" said Ronder, motioning with his hand towards Bassett's broad back, and the massive sterns of the two horses that rose and fell, like tubs on a rocking sea. But Brandon was past caution, past wisdom, past discipline.

She knelt down upon the floor and gathered the feathers into her hand with a vague thought that merely to touch them would help her to comprehension. They lay upon the palm of her white glove, and she blew gently upon them, and they swam up into the air and hung fluttering and rocking. As they floated downward she caught them again, and so she slowly felt her way to another question.

The doll, duly night- capped and night-gowned, lay in its cradle; she was rocking it to sleep, with an air of the most perfect faith in its possession of sentient and somnolent faculties; her eyes, at the same time, being engaged with a picture-book, which lay open on her lap. "Miss Snowe," said she in a whisper, "this is a wonderful book.

There was a quick rush toward the scene of the disturbance, the guide, Grace and Hippy in the lead as they ran stumbling over the rough ground in the darkness. "Ping! Ping!" shouted the guide. "Where are you, Ping Pong?" added Lieutenant Wingate. A groan revealed the Chinaman's presence. They found him sitting on the ground, rocking back and forth holding the thumb of his right hand.

Meyerburg, like you could put your hands in dough now!" "'Mamma, he used to say standing in the kitchen door when he came home nights and looking at me maybe rocking Becky there by the stove and waiting supper for him 'Mamma, he'd say, clapping his hands at me, 'open your eyes wide so I can see what's in 'em." "That such a big man should play like that!"