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Trigger took another seat a few feet away. She felt a little nervous, but she'd always wanted to see a high-powered diplomat in action. The screen lit up. She recognized Roadgear from his pics. Tall, fine-looking man of the silvered sideburns type. He was in an armchair in a very plush office. "Congratulations, Commissioner!" he said, smiling.

"I believe you're aware by now that your latest report has set many wheels spinning rapidly!" "I rather expected it would," the Commissioner admitted. He also smiled. They pitched it back and forth a few times, very chummy. Roadgear didn't appear to be involved in any specific way with the operations which soon would center about Luscious. Trigger began to wonder what he was after.

What was the order content?" "It's dated now, as it happens," Roadgear said. "Actually I'm calling about another matter. The First Lady of Tranest appears to have been very obliging about informing you of some of her recent activities." The Commissioner nodded. "Yes, very obliging." "And in so short a time after her, ah, detainment. You must have been very persuasive?"

A voice pronounced the ship's dial number. "Acknowledging," Trigger said. "Who is it?" "Orado ComWeb Center," said the voice. "Stand by for contact with Federation Councilman Roadgear." Trigger whacked the panic button. Roadgear was a NAME! "Standing by," she said. Commissioner Tate came in through the door and slipped into the chair she'd already vacated.

"Well," Holati Tate said, "no more than usually." "Yes," said Councilman Roadgear. "Now there's been some slight concern expressed by some members of the Council well, let's say they'd just like to be reassured that the amenities one observes in dealing with a head of state actually are being observed in this case. I'm sure they are, of course." The Commissioner was silent a moment.

"A few of us are rather curious to know," Roadgear said, "why you didn't acknowledge the last Council Order sent you." Trigger didn't quite start nervously. "When was this?" asked the Commissioner. Roadgear smiled softly and told him. "Got a record here of some scrambled item that arrived about then," the Commissioner said. "Very good of you to call me about it, Councilman.

"Well, then," said the Commissioner, "I'll assure you and you can assure the Councilmen who were feeling concerned that the amenities are being observed. Then everybody can relax again. Is that all right?" "No, not quite," Roadgear said annoyedly.