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And now we see already that this industrial revolution strikes a crushing blow at the theory of the division of labour which for a long time was supposed to be so sound. After the Napoleonic wars Britain had nearly succeeded in ruining the main industries which had sprung up in France at the end of the preceding century. She also became mistress of the seas and had no rivals of importance.

The cause of this superficial uniformity is rather that Buddhism in its prime had no serious rivals in either activity or profundity, but presented itself to the inhabitants of Eastern Asia as pre-eminently the religion of civilized men, and was often backed by the support of princes.

Egremont, with a suddenness that made her wish she could truthfully say he did not. 'Yes, he always is is respectful, but somehow I see it is under protest. Mr. Egremont laughed. 'Rivals yes, I see; why, you don't consider the sore trial of having a full-grown mistress turned in upon him!

While he was there, amusing himself in the festivities and rejoicings connected with the wedding, his rivals raised a rebellion, took possession of the government, and of all of Pyrrhus's treasures, killed or put to flight his partisans and friends, and raised a prince of the family of Neoptolemus to the throne. Pyrrhus found himself once more an exile.

Joe and Blake recognized these men as their business rivals, who were also trying to get some moving picture films of the Indians, to secure a prize of a thousand dollars, offered by a New York geographical and ethnological society.

Unlike nearly every other member of the encyclopædic party, he was a pupil not of the Jesuits but of their rivals. The Jansenists recognised the keenness and force of their pupil, and hoped that they had discovered a new Pascal. But he was less docile than his great predecessor in their ranks.

That he was jealous of these younger rivals, appears from the fact that he brought an action against Michael Angelo for having called his style stupid and antiquated. In the celebrated phrase cast at him by the blunt and scornful master of a new art-mystery , we discern the abrupt line of division between time-honoured tradition and the maniera moderna of the full Renaissance.

This rivalry was punished as the successive rivals of the British Empire have been punished for three hundred years. The war was won by the British Empire and her Allies, but in the hour of victory a new rival appeared.

If in such a battle the South sow seeds of economic weakness, when it ought to sow seeds of economic strength, it will go down before its rivals, whether those rivals be in this country or in any other country or part of the world. In such a struggle if it would win it will need to avail itself of all the means which God and nature have placed at its disposition.

"The circumstances aren't parallel: you're not a notorious malefactor, wanted by the police of every capital in Europe, hounded by rivals to boot fighting for life, liberty and" he laughed shortly "the pursuit of happiness!" She caught her breath sharply whether with dismay or mere surprise at his frankness he couldn't tell. "Are you?" she demanded quickly. "Am I what?" "What you've just said "