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The number of white individuals who are practising with even reasonable approximation the democracy and unselfishness of Jesus Christ is so small and unimportant as to be fit subject for jest in Sunday supplements and in Punch, Life, Le Rire, and Fliegende Blätter.

The necessity for the two conditions will explain how it is that we count him during centuries in the singular number. 'C'est une etrange entreprise que celle de faire rire les honnetes gens, Moliere says; and the difficulty of the undertaking cannot be over-estimated.

The Republic was declared by the actions of Western bureaucrats to be a Republic pour rire, not a serious thing; and by this false and cruel assumption they killed Yuan Shih-kai. If that epitaph is written on his political tombstone, it will be as full of blinding truth as is only possible with Last Things.

I cannot go on; what I did I know not. I suppose my exit was additionally ludicrous, for a new eclat de rire followed me out. I rushed out of the theatre, and wrapping only my cloak round me, ran without stopping to the barracks. But I must cease; these are woes too sacred for even confessions like mine, so let me close the curtain of my room and my chapter together, and say, adieu for a season.

... Tu as le coeur a rire, Moi je l'ai a pleurer, J'ai perdu ma maitresse Sans pouvoir la r'trouver, Pour un bouquet de roses Que je lui refusai Il y a longtemps que je t'aime, Jamais je ne t'oublierai.

Daumier, who passed in general for a contributor to illustrated journals, even such journals as Le Petit Journal pour Rire, was not only a genius of the first rank, but a painter of the first class. Monvel and Monténard at present are masterly painters. But in their illustration as well as in their painting, they show a notable change from the illustration of the days of Daumier and Doré.

"Look!" whispered the girl in French, "there's a pince sans rire! Be careful!" She constantly used the argot of French thieves, which was often difficult for the young Englishman to understand. And the dark-haired girl would laugh, apologize, and explain the meaning of her strange expressions.

Quarante mille hommes massacres et l'armee de nos allies detruite, et vous trouvez la le mot pour rire," * he said, as if strengthening his views by this French sentence.

It is not my affair, of course, but I cannot understand " "My aversion to Mme. Reni? It is only when " "No, your caring to live with her when you feel that aversion. It seems to me an insult to her as a woman and as " "A woman!" He burst out laughing harshly. "Is THAT what you call a woman? 'Madame, ce n'est que pour rire!" "That is not fair!" she said.

Horace writes for Figaro and the Petit Journal pour Rire Théophile does feuilleton work romances, chit-chat, and political squibs rubbish, of course; but clever rubbish, and wonderful when one considers what boys they both are, and what dissipated lives they lead. The amount of impecuniosity those fellows get through in the course of a term is something inconceivable.