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The small hand closed then until it was clutching whitely the woodwork beneath it. She understood at last how much Wickersham had seen; she was never to understand entirely her mood of that moment. For had she waited she would have left him with finger ringless. Instead she wheeled without a word and climbed, white-lipped, upstairs.

"There in my little drawer lay the power to save those who were near death from sickness, from dirt, from privation!" Alice's ringless white hands were clenched in her lap. "And I saw, as I gave," continued the curé, "the end of pain and of hunger little by little I gave, hoping somehow to replace it, until I dared give no more."

Meyerburg with her hands idle and laid out along the chair sides. They were ringless hands and full of years, with a great network of veins across their backs and the aging fingers large at the knuckles. But where the hands betrayed the eyes belied. Deep in Mrs. Meyerburg's soft and scarcely flabby face her gaze was straight and very black.

"Neither climate nor country, nor the few passing years, can change you." "It is you who have grown older and sterner," she pouted. "It is you who have lost the gift of living to-day as though to-morrow were not. There was a time, was there not, John, when you did not care to sit always so far away?" She laid her hand ringless, over-manicured, but delicately white upon his. He smoothed it gently.

Briefly his sweeping glance took in a bowl of flowers on the center-table and then came to rest abruptly on a slight, girlish figure just risen from a chair beside it. "I'd like to see Miss Thorne, please," he said, stifling his momentary surprise. The girl took a step forward, her slim, tanned, ringless fingers clasped loosely about a book she held.

"He has 'quit the Port of Heaven," she quoted half-seriously, playing with superstition as only women can, "and he's 'drumming up the Channel'! They say it foretells war . . . that noise. . . ." Margaret gave a little shiver and rose to her graceful height, extending both her ringless hands to him. "It's getting chilly come!"

Whatever Hermia was Yvonne at least is honest. She knows as I do that she will not marry for the reasons you mention." She accepted his reproof smilingly and thrust out her hand a browner hand now, a ringless, earnest little hand and put it into his. "You are right, Philidor, I shall marry if I may for love. Or I shall not marry at all."

Though they speak to me, I cannot say that they are real, any more than I can tell that this table, these clothes" her long, expressive, ringless hand swept across the area of her skirt "than you yourself, are real. All reality and unreality may dwell in the mind. Though personally," she added, "I prefer to believe that this chair, these clothes, you, I, are real.

"Poor Emily!" she said softly, laying her hand on the ringless one that held down the shirt on the board. Emily looked up at her in silence. But the girl's eyes glowed with things unsaid and inexpressible the "eternal passion, eternal pain," which in half the human race have no voice. "He was a very rough man was Em'ly's husband," said Mrs.

To her great satisfaction, her beautiful visitor condescended to take the chair Anna Belle had vacated, and held out her white, ringless hands for the doll. "How neatly her clothes are made," said the girl, examining Anna Belle's garments. "Yes, my mother made her all new ones when she knew she was going to Europe, so that she would be neat and not mortify me.